Video – Straight from the horses mouth an admission of two tier policing in Birmingham

Sums up Britain's 2 Tier policing policy. (image h/t WireSpy on X )


Despite the protestations of the MetroLeft commentariat and of various government spokespeople and their hangers on, there has been two tier policing going on in relation to the current situation and the various disturbances. Unless you are someone who only watches the BBC (in which case you will be highly uninformed) you would have seen gangs of armed Muslims on the streets of Birmingham. We all saw the videos of them breaking the Road Traffic Acts in their cars or walking around openly carrying swords and other weapons and attacking non-Muslims who had the misfortune to drive through this area.

Now a senior police officer from West Midlands Police (old ‘friends’ of this blog just search West Midlands Police in the search box) has admitted that there was a two tier police situation going on in his force. He admitted that his force liaised with local ‘community leaders’ ie local Muslim headmen and asked them ‘how would you like to be policed’ in the context of the current disturbances.

Here’s the video. Watch it and be disgusted at how far our police forces have fallen and how compromised they are politically and otherwise.

The biblical Book of Leviticus says at 19:15 “Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment; thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor favour the person of the mighty; but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.”* Maybe those in charge of our police forces should take some time to read and understand that passage

*JPS Tanakh translation 1917

1 Comment on "Video – Straight from the horses mouth an admission of two tier policing in Birmingham"

  1. Disgusting!

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