From Elsewhere: Sir Robert Peel is spinning in his grave


Britons are supposed to be policed by consent. The theory is the police are the public and the public are the police. Unfortunately in recent decades that idea has gone out of the window. Too often the police do not appear to serve us the people but instead only serve as the enforcers of the state’s increasingly deranged ideas and ideology.

A respected commentator on Twitter called Jack, a lawyer who has been a doughty foe of the various Hamas worshippers that have crawled out of their foetid pits since 7/10, has pointed out just how far UK police forces have departed from Peelian policing principles. Jack said in a post on X:

Peel’s 9 Principles of Policing that have been a cornerstone of British policing since 1829, and the basis of the term ‘policing by consent’. In one week, Two Tier Kier and his Gestapo ‘police’ chiefs have shattered every one. We are no longer policed by consent, but by fear.

Here’s Jack’s post of Peel’s 9 Principles of Policing:

Have you read them? Do you understand why they are important? Have you looked at the behaviour of our police forces, especially the senior management and seen the two tier way that they police, observed the way that senior officers pander to members of some groups and not others and how politically engaged and biased they are? Have you seen how they tolerate pro-Hamas marchers with participants calling for the murder of Jews but are less tolerant of those who object to such calls? If you have then you will like me agree with Jack when he says that our police forces have abandoned policing by consent in favour of seeing the citizen, especially those in the majority population or who hold views that are not favoured by the state, as an enemy to be subdued.

6 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Sir Robert Peel is spinning in his grave"

  1. During a pro-Hamas march, through my town, a few months ago, a protestor shouted out “Kill the Jews. Free Palestine.” , which was immediately followed by someone watching to shout out, “With every four gallons” (old Welsh joke). The Police very quickly intervened, but who was it they spoke to? While the verbal Jew killer was allowed to continue on his noisy way, the onlooker spent several hours in a Police station trying to explain his response. Despite being released without charge, his details are now in the Police system. Either the Police over reacted, or that officer had no sense of humour. You guess.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 9, 2024 at 10:07 am |

      Humour failure in part but also in part a now ingrained attitude among UK police to not upset the potentially kinetic savages even when they do shout out the sort of stuff that might have been heard in a German Bierkeller in the early 1920’s.

  2. Philip Copson | August 9, 2024 at 9:09 am |

    My guess is that the police officer agreed with the wannabe Jew-killer. (Have I won a free gallon of petrol?)

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 9, 2024 at 10:05 am |

      Sadly your sarcasm might be closer to the truth than many might be comfortable with.

  3. And did the pc in question have dusky skin and a beard?

  4. 👍

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