Video – If anyone was in any doubt as to why Britain’s police are increasingly losing public trust.


Do you remember the riots in Harehills in Leeds a few weeks ago, you know the riots that involved mostly Roma and allegedly some Muslims and where the police basically ran away leaving the rioters to riot and decent locals to suffer from the effects of the riot. The day after the riot a local British resident of the area called Nichola Wilcox decided that she’d assist the police by taking them some ice lollies to cool them down because she believed that the police must be overly hot from the heat from formerly burning vehicles.

Her nice gesture was rebuffed by the police and she was told by them to leave. Ms Wilcox then remarked about ‘why are all these people here’ I reference to a lot of men I hooded tops. At that point the police told her again to go but she was worried that the hooded men would see where she lived. The police then arrested her and put her in the back of a police van. They took her to a police station, kept her overnight, questioned her, told her that she had to attend some sort of racial awareness course before charging her although it’s not clear and Ms Wilcox said it wasn’t made clear to her what she was being charged with. It appears from my reading of the situation that the police are trying to fit her up with some sort of ‘racism’ charge possibly because of her question to police officers about ‘why are all these people here’ comment.

Here’s the interview that took place between Ms Wilcox and Ms Isabel Oakeshott Talk TV’s reporter.

It’s pretty clear from the video that Ms Wilcox has been utterly traumatised by these police officers and by West Yorkshire Police. They took a decent citizen trying to make a decent gesture and fucking traumatised her. Is it any wonder that the epithet of ‘filth’, a description that was at one point only used by criminals and their associates to describe the police, is now on the lips of ordinary Britons of the sort that the police should show some damned respect to. Is it any wonder that many Britons now despise what our police have become? One aspect of this case that has quite disturbed me is the lies that the police told Ms Wilcox on charging. The police told her that they had to charge her with something because they’ve arrested her but they would magnanimously charge her with the lowest severity of charge. This is utter and complete bullshit from these West Yorkshire officers. There are lots of people who are arrested who are released on police bail and who might be charged at a later date or might never be charged at all because the case gets dropped due to lack of evidence.

Ms Wilcox has definitely seen the two tier policing that our political classes and many in the media class deny exists. She’s not only seen it, she’s experienced it.

An impartial, professionally run, honest police force that has the respect and trust of the public is I believe an absolute essential for the smooth running of a civilised society. The problem is that in the UK today that’s not the sort of police forces of policing that we have. We have something much nastier. We have a capricious less than trustworthy policing system that is continuing to haemorrhage public support and we all deserve far far better than that.

2 Comments on "Video – If anyone was in any doubt as to why Britain’s police are increasingly losing public trust."

  1. 👍

  2. Sheikh Anvakh | August 9, 2024 at 10:40 pm |

    We no longer have the British Bobby and policing by consent, we now have just another brutal gendarmerie, Starmer’s STASI aka Cooper’s Gestapo.
    From a similar personal experience, this transformation has been going on for some time. They are inclined to lie, concoct “complaints” and subvert and “interpret” the law and make it up as they see fit.
    Having been on crime prevention committees for decades, I’ve called out their despicable behaviours and utter contempt for the public. You’ve probably gathered, I now despise them.

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