From Elsewhere: Some food for thought.


Like many other Britons I’ve been disturbed by the violence that has broken out on our streets and which has involved both those of long standing British heritage and British Muslims. The sort of violence we have seen is not good and is sign that things are breaking down and maybe breaking down at a faster rate than many might have thought they would.

When the violence first occurred although I was shocked and horrified by it and consider it something that I cannot condone. But I also did not buy the government’s explanation that the trouble in places like Southport, Tyneside and Merseyside was entirely the work of the ‘far right’. I didn’t accept the Government’s explanation for one key reason and it is this: Whilst I know that the genuine far right exists and there’s always been a small minority of nutters who wish Adolf Hitler had won World War II, I also know that the numbers of people who believe this crap are miniscule. There are probably more liberal Jews who enjoy a bacon sandwich on a Saturday morning than there are genuine far rightists in the UK. Of course there were probably some genuine far rightists involved in the disturbances but I doubt that they have the power to actually organise such disturbances entirely on their own, they might be able to start some of the aggro but certainly not all of it. Britain unlike some nations in Europe or elsewhere doesn’t even have far rightists of this sort in our legislature and the street Nazi movement is very small indeed. As I’ve explained elsewhere both on here and elsewhere, the genuine far right doesn’t have the manpower, the organisation or organisational skills nor the finance to be a major player in the recent disturbances nor organise the ‘100 far right demos’ claim made by Left wing groups. The idea that there is an organised far right that can set the country aflame is a fantasy that is clearly crumbling as it meets reality.

The commentator Northern Variant writing on X (formerly Twitter) has published his thoughts on the current situation and has come to some remarkably different conclusions to that come to by the Government, the mainstream media and the various left wing groups that are out there. I’m not saying that I agree with all that he says here but it does give food for thought and is probably worth debating.

Northern Variant said:

I think the police and the Home Office have dangerously misread the situation around migrant hotels and “far right agitators”. They think by gagging “citizen journalists” such as Active Patriot and Yorkshire Rose they can contain any spontaneous protests. They are mistaken.

In the first instance, I agreed with the government’s assessment that the Southport riot was orchestrated from outside. I am less convinced now though. I am still not sold on the idea that it was entirely spontaneous and locally organised. There was online agitation originating from Facebook “patriot” groups and I saw it with my own eyes. That said, there was enough local sentiment for it to take on a life of its own – for what should be obvious reasons.

The same can be said of the Rotherham hotel protest. It wasn’t actually in Rotherham. It was in Wath Upon Dearne which is one of many little towns in the area which are largely deprived white working class towns, which have thriving online community groups where many participants will also interact in person. As such, the authorities are looking in the wrong place if the focus is on autonomous “far right” cells, most of which comprise of low IQ, ageing ex-EDL types.

What we’re looking at is spontaneous community level organisation. And guess what? If, under a veil of secrecy, the Home Office is going to dump potential rapists in disused care homes and other surplus government real estate, the mums gossip networks will fire up in minutes. If what we’ve seen in Ireland transposes to the UK (and there’s every reason to believe it will) then I wouldn’t rule out ad-hoc protests and the same sort of threatening graffiti and/or arson attacks. The bottom line is that you are no longer dealing with the far right. You are dealing with lower working class white communities who’ve been told to suck it up and enjoy the enrichment.

Have a think how that’s going to pan out when you consider what Rotherham is most famous for in recent years. You can gag the known troublemakers, but the locals will be out in force before the local chief inspector has found the keys to the facial recognition camera van.

Ultimately, they are not in control here, and if the Home Office think it’s just a matter of containing “far right” activism then they simply do not know who they are dealing with. They’ve pissed off too many people, all at once, and they are not going to put up with a scumbag Labour government (that most didn’t vote for) bumping them down the housing list so they can move in fighting-age sexual predators next to their children’s schools. You can make an example of Yorkshire Rose and Active Patriot (and anyone else named in the Hope Not Hate newsletter), but there’s nothing special about them, and there’s plenty more where they came from. All the jamming assets RAF Waddington can put in the sky cannot defeat the Mexborough mums gossip circle. Labour has decided to fuck with people you just don’t fuck with. Big mistake.

Northern Variant might have a point about the Government and the police looking in entirely the wrong places for the source of trouble or potential trouble. They are like generals planning to fight the next war like they fought their last one and coming unstuck just like those WWI generals who thought that that war could be fought with the same tactics as the Franco-Prussian War was fought. The government, police and the centre Left commentariat are acting as if the ‘far right’ has been dealt a lethal blow by the astroturf Leftist (mostly SWP run) ‘anti racist’ demonstrations when in reality they are celebrating a victory against nothing more than phantoms.

What we have as rioters or protestors, whatever you want to call them are, as well as those who just want a ruck for the sake of it, a nebulous collection of pissed off people, many of whom are at the bottom or almost at the bottom of the social pile with a lot of them having little or nothing to lose by speaking up or doing worse. The Germans found out in WWII in the territories that they occupied that there were a large number of people who were cowed by them or were prepared to collaborate with them. But they also found that outside of organised Resistance groups, which were relatively easy to infiltrate using information supplied to them by tortured captives, that there were also individuals who had been so appallingly treated by the Germans and who had seen their families decimated that they didn’t give a toss and just went after the Germans no matter if it cost them their own lives.

Like any other sensible and reasonable person I want the violence to stop and for the current bad situation to be sorted out peacefully and via political means. Whether our political, media and clerical classes are up to that task remains to be seen. This is because to tackle it to the satisfaction of the majority population and the decents among minority populations, would mean those ruling classes admitting the failure of policies that they themselves had promoted to the public as the best thing since sliced bread. Whether they will do that is in the lap of the gods. Nobody should be burning down mosques or asylum centres or attacking randoms from different groups on the street but the question is what is the most effective and just way to stop this from happening?

2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Some food for thought."

  1. Sheikh Anvakh | August 12, 2024 at 7:33 pm |

    I’m afraid that 2-tier Kier Stalin and Yvette Goebbels-Cooper have already signalled their intentions, and have effectively declared war on the “far right” in other words, on all of us.
    The arrogant dismissal of ordinary people, fed up with being treated as cash cows, called waaaayycist and “phobic”, having no say in what is done to their towns and communities. What the bloody hell do the morons on charge, expect.
    And the reaction of Stalin and Goebbels: to threaten us with a “special national force of police”, sounds like the GESTAPO to me, and seeing how quickly the Plods have become used to beating up civilians, there’ll be no problems finding enough recruits, especially from the more “diverse” elements who hate us and will be more than willing to take it out on us.
    Add on the “facial recognition” crap, the databases, the tough new laws and undoubtedly “reception centres” for us, the selective “swift justice” kangaroo courts for us “far right” while other criminals of peace and of the fascist-left get a free pass. Meanwhile the import of the young fighting age boat invaders, continues.
    But hey “far right” plebs, don’t you dare complain.
    You can be certain that Kier Stalin will use Blair’s disgusting Civil Contingencies Act, that the idiot Tories kept in place, to imprison us, remove our rights, subject us to summary justice to crush any resistance. You have been warned.
    Labour has declared war on the British people of all stripes who don’t share their vision of a digital slavery state.

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