More Khanage in London


London is getting more and more unsafe. The sorts of crimes that once would have been unusual are now getting depressingly commonplace. Stabbings for instance were memorable things when I was growing up in London so rare were they but not now. There seems to be one stabbing every day now in London and it makes me wonder whether the £1 million that Greater London Mayor Sadiq Khan spent on a specialist hate crime and hate speech unit might have been better spent on tackling knife crime.

There’s been a particularly horrific attack today in London and not in one of the capital’s more seedy suburbs but right in the centre in Leicester Square. A man stabbed a 34 year old woman and an 11 year old girl leaving them with severe injuries. The police have arrested the alleged assailant and at this point it’s not clear what was the motive was for this attack. The attacker might have been motivated by an ideological cause or it could be a domestic dispute but there are so many violent nutters wandering around the streets of London that the assailant is just as likely to be one of many random violent nutters who are on the streets. The police have come out and denied that this stabbing was terrorism related and they may well be correct in saying that but the police, especially the Metropolitan Police have lost so much public trust and public respect that I doubt that the police’s denial of terrorism will be believed by many.

This terrible attack which has probably resulted in life changing injuries for the victims might have ended up as a double murder were it not for a Leicester Square tea shop employee who has been named as Abdullah. Abdullah heard the commotion of the attack and tackled the knifeman probably preventing him from doing more damage.


Sky News said:

Abdullah, who has worked at the TWG Tea shop for around eight months, said he “heard a scream” and saw there was a person in his early to mid-30s “stabbing a kid”.

“I jumped on him, held the hand in which he was [carrying] a knife, and just put him down on the floor and just held him and took the knife away from him,” he said.

“Then a couple of more people joined as well, and we just held him until the police came, it took maybe three to four minutes for the police to arrive and then they just took him into custody.”

Abdullah is a bloody hero in a time when there are not enough heroes who will step up and be counted. Give the man a medal I say.

The police apprehended the alleged assailant pretty quickly and were on the scene quickly. But I shudder to think what might have been the outcome of this attack if it had happened in a part of London that is less comprehensively policed than the West End of London.

Sadiq Khan as Police and Crime Commissioner for the Metropolis needs to get off his arse and recognise that London has a street violence problem that afflicts all Londoners no matter what their skin colour or confessional grouping. Tackling knife crime and tackling violence in general is something that would make all Londoners feel a lot safer than they do at the moment.






Correction Note:

The text below was my impression earlier on today.  I have subsequently discovered that Mr Tommy Robinson is of the view that the outrageous Hamas supporting shite on what purported to be Abdullah’s X feed is false.  Whilst Mr Robinson doesn’t get everything right I’ve always known him give a fair shake to decent Muslims and give them credit when credit is due. Therefore if Mr Robinson is saying that the alleged X feed of Abdullah is false then I’m inclined to believe him.

I have excised the original text from the main story above but for the sake of transparency and completeness I’ve copied it below.

However, there is scuttlebutt circulating around that Abdullah as well as being a hero who saved lives might also have some questionable political views and a quick look at what is purported to be his X feed with its pro-Hamas and pro-Russia stuff does put a different spin on things.  I’ve downloaded some screenshots of his alleged account and it really does not look good.  I’ll those up later when I have time and probably in the comment section. There are also claims that the Abdullah account is a Russian bot and I really don’t know what to think.



5 Comments on "More Khanage in London"

  1. Used to make a point of visiting Leicester Square (and especially China town) whenever I was in London – quite shocked something like this has happened there.
    Not surprised that it happens in other parts of London though which is why I haven’t visited for almost 2 decades and have no desire to ever visit again. Shame it appears to have become such a shithole now.

  2. 👍

  3. Sheikh Anvakh | August 12, 2024 at 8:31 pm |

    The Mayor and the useless “Sir” Mark “the petulant” Rowley are too busy chasing “far right” phantoms and going after online hurty-words, oh yes and that all embracing “phobia”, threatening, insulting and bullying us who pay their bloody salaries.
    I’m afraid of those bloody idiots carry on as they have been, in lockstep with 2-tier Kier Starmer and Yvette Goebbels-Cooper who also clearly despise the British public, it can only get worse. Meanwhile, what of Our King, parroting the metro-left line… Lord help us, the British people who have been so slandered, and now threatened with digital effective slavery. Blair’s original aim. Lord help us, we’ve got another nearly five years of this elective dictatorship, led by a supposed “human rights lawyer” who gives not a shit for ours.

  4. Sheikh Anvakh | August 12, 2024 at 9:31 pm |

    I avoid Central London like the plague on Fridays and weekends because of the Marches of Hate, the increasing numbers of the Hordes of Peace and sundry fascist-left Jew hating Pimps4Palestine and coloured-haired snot-hanger-nose-ringed Whores4Hamas

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 15, 2024 at 6:38 am |

      I dread to think what impression tourists have of London when they visit of a weekend.

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