Quote of the Day 12th August 2024. Oooh what a burn from Douglas Murray

Alistair Campbell, former aide to former Prime Minister Tony Blair has been joining with the leftist idiot chorus which are slagging off author Douglas Murray.  In reply to Campbell’s attempt to stir the pot by referring to a book plug that Mr Murray did to the Metropolitan Police presumably on the grounds of ‘hate speech’, Mr Murray said:

That was an extremely cutting and burning comment from Mr Murray but in the context of what Campbell and other Lefties were trying to do probably justified.



5 Comments on "Quote of the Day 12th August 2024. Oooh what a burn from Douglas Murray"

  1. Philip Copson | August 12, 2024 at 5:27 pm |

    Did Epstein ever read any of Campbell’s pornographic output? I think we should be told…

    (I’m certainly not going to look for it, but I gather that Campbell wrote porn for “Forum” under the pseudonym “Riviera Gigolo” – hard to believe that he was ever in much demand as a gigolo….

  2. Philip Copson | August 12, 2024 at 5:43 pm |

    Just spotted that his daughter made a documentary about on-line pornography – which included getting Anne Robinson to watch pornography for the first time.

    I do hope it was a joint father/daughter project, and they called it “The Campbells Are Coming” ?

  3. The Scots have an aphorism. There are three things wrong with Scotland; the rain; the midges; the Campbells.

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