Useless versus Useful fight means time for a massive bag of popcorn

Just getting some popcorn in for any potential Yousef vs Musk trial.


I reckon it will soon be time to order in the most massive bag of popcorn I can find as former Scottish First Minister and all round incompetent politician Humza ‘Useless’ Yousef has decided to go to war with the boss of X (formerly Twitter) Elon ‘very useful’ Musk.

The background to this conflict relates to Yousef’s speech (see HERE at 5:25 onwards) to the Scottish Parliament in 2020 when he berated Scotland because many senior positions in government, administration and the judiciary were held by White people. This statistic is totally unremarkable bearing in mind that Scotland is a majority White country. Mr Musk saw video of Yousef’s racialist rant and in a post on X called Yousef a ‘super racist’ and a ‘scumbag’. Yousef and his acolytes objected to this and kicked off online about it. Mr Musk followed his original comment up with a comment about how if Yousef is that racist in public then he’s worse in private. Mr Musk then added a comment along the lines of how any legal disclosure that will occur because of Yousef’s suing of Mr Musk will reveal all.

Yousef has threatened to sue Mr Musk over his comments and this is where it is likely to get really interesting. It could well be the case that Mr Musk, bearing in mind that he will have access to all of X’s systems and data, has a lot more on Yousef than he is currently letting on about. If there is stuff that might be embarrassing to Yousef in X’s servers then any legal inquiry that happens as a result of any attempt to sue Mr Musk might be revealed.

It will be interesting to see just what information Mr Musk has on Yousef and what might be revealed in any court case. Remember Mr Musk and his team will have access not only to Yousef’s public posts on the X platform but also the content of his DM’s and information about who Yousef was conversing with. Mr Musk’s enigmatic comment about Yousef’s private comments might indicate that Mr Musk might know a lot more about what Yousef has been up to and what he’s been saying when he believes he’s not being observed by the public. What if there’s more ‘super racism’ from Yousef in private but discoverable communications that go far beyond his racialist speech in 2020? What if there’s pro-Hamas stuff there that isn’t yet in the public eye or something exceptionally embarrassing to Yousef that he might not want to get out? We don’t know at the moment but such things might be aired in a court hearing especially if the hearing is in the United States. If discovery of Yousef’s conversations is order to be released by a court then it’s not doxing or anything like that but a court instruction.

What piques my interest in this is that Mr Musk seems supremely confident that he’s on strong ground with regards his online challenges to Yousef. Maybe just maybe this confidence is not just bluster on Mr Musk’s part but because he knows much more about Yousef than he’s letting on.

This is one case where I’ve definitely chosen a side and it is that of Mr Musk. Yousef was a disaster for Scotland, almost as big a disaster as Nichola Sturgeon was and I would be delighted to see Yousef have a very bad day indeed in court, even though it’s going to cost me a fortune in popcorn.

9 Comments on "Useless versus Useful fight means time for a massive bag of popcorn"

  1. Philip Copson | August 12, 2024 at 4:18 pm |

    “piques” your interest. More interestingly, I have read that Yousef’s relatives’ release from Gaza was preceded by a donation of public funds: Any link between the two events would be highly illegal, and (B) any funding going to Gaza is effectively the same as donating to Hamas.

  2. Given the btl comment above and your post l’m looking forward to seeing this one play out.
    Anything new on the ‘Starm-Fuhrer /Rowley exchange that you mentioned elsewhere?

  3. Nemisis Benn | August 12, 2024 at 5:59 pm |

    I read somewhere that one of Ulesless’ in-laws is a multi-millionaire. If this is true, why did the poor, misguided, Scottish electorate have to fund their release from a (holiday?) place of their own choosing?

  4. ” something exceptionally embarrassing to Yousef that he might not want to get out?”
    Given the many things that got out that are (or were, or should be ) exceptionally embarrassing to Yousef, I am forced to wonder what Yousef would think “exceptionally embarrassing”.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 15, 2024 at 6:37 am |

      Useless is so well useless that what could come out in legal discovery might be worse than even that which has come out already. I’m only speculating here but it could be something Hamas/Gaza related or something to do with the more colourful bits of his family or some personal misconduct that his tame Scottish press has glossed over or something related to the fiscal issues of the SNP or something related to Troonery. In fact it could be anything as Useless has been a fixture in the now murky world of Scottish politics for a while. I’m not sayign that it’s definitely related to my speculations above but knowing Useless and knowing that Musk probably has a lot of info that we the public are not party to then it must be something exceptionally damaging. Whether Useless will bring a case is a moot point. He might not have the money to bring this sort of case in the USA and he will have to find a US lawyer to take the case on and his opponent Elon Musk doesn’t just have a team of lawyers to call on but a whole battalion of lawyers.

  5. Why not?
    As Anjem CHoudhary said (paraphrasing) “It’s normal for Muslims to take the money of the Kaffir”.

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