Of course Britain doesn’t have a two tier justice and policing system.


The government and what are increasingly being called the ‘regime journalists’ in the mainstream media along with various leftist activists are denying, sometimes quite loudly that Britain has a two tier approach to policing and justice. The mouthpieces of the State and the completely morally degraded journalists from our mainstream media are cheering on sometimes harsh and unjust sentences imposed on people by the courts in the aftermath of disorder and those sentences seem to vary depending on what ‘cause’ or what demographic the accused is following or belongs to.

However we can see with our own eyes that a two tier system of justice and policing exists. You only have to look at how members of different groups are policed and how they are treated by the courts to see that.

A good example of this two tier system comes from a recent case of a retired train driver who was given an 18 month gaol sentence for ‘offensive gestures and words’ during a demonstration in Westminster following the murders, allegedly by the offspring of a Rwandan migrant, of three little girls in Southport. According to a local paper the News Shopper which covers the Kent area, 61 year old David Spring was sentenced to 18 months in prison for shouting ‘who the fuck is Allah’, loudly asking the police ‘whose side they are on’ and making some offensive gestures at police.

Mr Spring, probably because he was given bad advice by his legal representative or because he mistakenly believed that by admitting what he did that he would be treated leniently, pleaded guilty to ‘violent disorder’. The report in the News Shopper doesn’t specifically say that Mr Spring was involved in any actual violence and his arrest and subsequent imprisonment and Mr Spring seems to have been sent to gaol primarily on the grounds that he said something that someone might not like.

The question that we need to ask ourselves here is this. Would Mr Spring have been gaoled or arrested or persecuted in the manner that he has been had he said stuff like ‘who the fuck is Hashem’ or ‘who the fuck is Jesus’ or ‘who the fuck is Krishna’ or even ‘Buddha is a big fat bastard’? The answer clearly is that it would be highly unlikely that these sort of comments would have attracted arrest let alone a prison sentence.

How do we know this? Just look around and see how the police and the courts have dealt with those who have taken part in the weekly pro-Hamas hate marches in London and elsewhere. A lot of the time these demonstrators have been given freedom by the state and in particular the police to call for ‘intifada’ or ‘jihad’ or to shout out chants such as ‘from the river to the sea’ that imply strongly that there should be a genocide of Israeli Jews. Even when they are arrested and brought before the courts they get sentences that are given sentences that are remarkably lenient.

We saw this in how the courts dealt with pro-Hamas protestors who in October 2023 paraded around London wearing patches with images of paragliders on them, images that were clearly and obviously connected to the use by Hamas of terrorists riding paragliders during the Pogrom of 7/10 in Israel. The three people who were convicted at Westminster Magistrates Court in February 2024 of terrorism offences in connection to the display of the paraglider patches walked free from court with little more than conditional discharges. So what we have here is a situation where a person can commit a terrorism related offence but who get a slap on the wrist but shouting ‘who the fuck is Allah’ gets one gaoled. Is that discrepancy between these two cases two tier enough for you?

Or maybe we could look at the case of the revolting ‘Palestine’ convoy of a few years back when a group of Muslims drove around heavily Jewish areas of North London shouting about how they were going to rape Jewish women and their daughters. The Metropolitan Police spent a year allegedly ‘investigating’ this case only for them and the Crown Prosecution Service to drop all charges against the Muslims who were clearly calling for violence. Many suspect that the Met Police deliberately fouled up this case in order to make the case disappear and therefore cease to upset Britain’s Muslims. Whether or not this belief is true the discrepancy in how those expressing their dislike of the Islamic deity and those Muslims who call for the rape and sexual assault of British Jewish women is quite illuminating.

Another indication of the two tier nature of how we are policed and managed is the lack of pushback from government against Islamic hate preachers. Right across the country there are Muslim preachers who are fomenting hate against Jews, praising the terrorist group Hamas and encouraging people to go and take part in Jihad, yet not only are the police or prosecutors or the courts doing sod all about these extremist savages but in some cases it has been found that the mosques that have been harbouring these hate preachers who in 2022 were found by the Jewish Chronicle to have been in receipt of public money. None of these Islamic hate preachers have to my knowledge faced any sort of police investigation let alone faced any sanction from the UK courts. In addition to these cases above that were the subject of the above-mentioned Jewish Chronicle investigation there are, according to an article in the Daily Telegraph, another 21 cases of preachers in mosques engaging in, since the 7/10 Pogrom, the sort of conduct that would see anybody else who’s not a Muslim being arrested. Again none of these hate preachers have as far as I’m aware faced anything like the sort of police and court action that those shouting ‘who the fuck is Allah’ have faced.

I dare say that you the reader will be able to add your own examples of two tier policing and justice incidents from the UK.

A civilised and properly functioning society needs to have policing and justice systems that treat everyone equally. The problem is that in the United Kingdom today that’s not what we’ve got. We’ve got a ‘terms and conditions apply’ police and justice system where people are treated differently according to what cause they might have been supporting when the offence or alleged offence occurred or because of the defendant or accused’s demographic. We know we have a two tier justice and policing system and those who claim that we do not are either lying or not paying enough attention to what is happening.

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