Quote of the Day 14th August 2024 – The Imam of Peace speaks sense again


There are very few Muslim clerics who impress me enough to make me want to dance about my kitchen singing that old song of peace and coexistence ‘Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu’, but the Imam of Peace does just that. He’s an implacable foe of Islamic extremism and sees them for what they are which is the main driving force behind division and violence.

Here’s one of the Imam of Peace’s recent statements to the world.

Islamist extremists pose a grave threat to global peace and security. Their ideology undermines the true essence of religion and fuels division and violence. Countering their influence is not just about protecting our societies, but also preserving the values of tolerance, justice, and unity that religion truly stands for.

He’s right I’m afraid. The main sources of conflict in this world in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle east are not Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or those ordinary Muslims who just want to be left alone and to leave others alone. It’s Islamic extremists that are the main sources of these conflicts.

4 Comments on "Quote of the Day 14th August 2024 – The Imam of Peace speaks sense again"

  1. I wonder if it would help, after the next atrocity, to avoid being classed as Islamaphobic (despite there being no such word), by blaming the Welsh Baptists?

  2. 👍

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