From Elsewhere: An interesting examination of Labour’s policy of Islamopandering.

Commentary Magazine is one of America’s most interesting magazines.  It was founded in 1945 and looks at the world from a Jewish political conservative viewpoint. It’s subject matter ranges from culture, via American politics to asking weighty questions about how to preserve great thought in a time of low standards and political correctness.

Commentary Magazine is not a publication that publishes stuff that I agree with on all occasions, some stuff I will and do disagree with but even when they publish stuff that I might disagree with or concerns a subject that I’m not massively interesting, it always makes for stimulating reading.

Recently Commentary Magazine has published and article entitled ‘Labour’s Muslim Problems’ and it makes for grim reading.  The article written by Stephen Pollard who I believe was formerly of Britain’s Jewish Chronicle newspaper shows how Labour, realising that Islam is a significant vote factor in some of their former heartland seats has pivoted towards Islamopandering in order to garner the votes of Muslims even if it is at the cost of the rights and liberties of British non-Muslims.

This article is well worth a read but rather than put up some excerpts of the article I’ll just put up a link to the article below.  If you read it then you will start to understand why Labour are putting the demands of the roughly 6% of UK voters who are Muslim ahead of almost everyone else.

Here’s the article:

Labour’s Muslim Problem






2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: An interesting examination of Labour’s policy of Islamopandering."

  1. 👍

  2. Thanks for posting link to the full article, I have read it and have some disagreements, except that a new government is always an unknown quantity.

    My first impression is that Starmer is not going to regain the Muslim vote by ‘pandering’, something far more radical, self destructive, and almost unspeakable would be required. I.e. restoring the Whip to Jeremy Corbyn (if he still wants it), and some other leftists, and conceding that the movement against antisemitism in the Labour party disguised a ‘witch hunt’ against further left positions. This is not going to happen!

    I also dispute that the recent foreign policy moves, around the ICC and UNWRA, were designed to win back lost Muslim votes, so soon after the election they seem more about forging international
    alliances politically.

    To me, taking advantage of education, using information resources, and forming critical opinions is a British value, as is accepting the results of a democratic election even if the losers feel disgruntled. Petitions from Reform party supporters asking Starmer to resign after only six weeks make no sense, we are supposed to be good losers and any opposition needs to build the case coherently and bypassing the less helpful reacting populist sentiments which make connections in analysis beyond rationality.

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