From Elsewhere: Supporters of Pride groups need to be more careful about who is running them


Years ago there was just one Pride demonstration and it took place in London and was a strictly one day affair. Now almost any major or minor city or substantial town has its own Pride event. I used to attend some Pride events because I believe in LGB equality and I wanted to get royally pissed and have a great time with my LGB mates. However I no longer attend such events as they’ve become dominated by the votaries of the gender identity cult and I don’t want to be associated with or be seen to support that cult.

There’s no real control over who runs or manages these Pride events and it’s too often the best known, loudest and best connected local activists who end up running them. But maybe this is a situation that needs to change? Although I cannot comment direct on the case that I’ve screenshotted below because of sub judice reasons, this case does show how important it is for those involved in Pride events to know who and what you are working with.

Maybe those running Pride groups should start to have some red flag policy with regards to who they work with in the planning of these events. Personally I think that those organising Pride events need to keep a wide berth from those who bang on about ‘the trans child’, those who have a vehement hatred of people who are opposed to the gender identity cult and those who take a worryingly keen interest in promoting hyper liberal sex education in schools.

Sadly just as those with an unhealthy interest in children will join religious and social groups that give them access to children so it might be with some local Pride groups. Dodgy people could be tainting these Pride organisations and by extension LGB people in that particular local area. For the sake of sanity those running or organising Pride events need to make damned sure that, as in the mid 1970’s, that nonces and nonce advocates are not using their organisations as a Trojan Horse for their own disgusting ends.