Quote of the Day 16th August 2024 – Video. Education is not enlightenment.


Charlotte Gill who has done a brilliant job of sniffing out examples of extreme and often left wing waste in government and in academia has talked to the Spectator about the failings of the university sector and how it produces people who, although they hold an academic qualification, know less about the world than the average man on the street.

Here’s Ms Gill with her comments on universities and their output:


1 Comment on "Quote of the Day 16th August 2024 – Video. Education is not enlightenment."

  1. Yes, but one advantage of going to university is that a student meets a large number of people with a diversity of backgrounds. This opportunity does not exist for a youngster staying in their local community and taking the first or any available job.

    Also noticing that some right wingers tend to sneer at Higher Education and claim their credentials at the ‘University of Life’. But it can also be argued that universal access to HE has been a major factor in social mobility.

    One of the factors keeping working classes ‘in their place’ is that they should be hostile to education as middle class imposition. But the Labour party, whatever its later faults, arose from the working classes accepting education and so becoming competent for political office.

    How far do we want to go backwards now and be ruled by a different political elite with little substance beyond populist memes?

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