Video: The reform that the Reform Party needs


I’ve long bemoaned the way that the Reform Party is organised. It has a lot of support but it hasn’t done the sort of things that a fledgling political party needs to grow. There’s been no local branch structure set up, little in the way of party democracy and nothing in the way of recognition that it is vitally important for the party to set up a between elections ground game, as the Lib Dems do, that will keep the party in the public’s mind outside of election time.

Now however this worrying situation looks like it may be changing. The video below from Reform’s chairman Zia Yusuf sets out their future which includes a democratised branch structure.

Here’s the video. What do you think? I think it’s a positive development.

2 Comments on "Video: The reform that the Reform Party needs"

  1. Sheikh Anvakh | August 17, 2024 at 1:30 pm |

    They also need to very quickly ditch any cooperation with the disgusting likes of Hate not Hope. Very disappointed too with Farage denouncing Tommy Robinson, he’d have done better saying nothing

  2. Re Tommy Robinson, l don’t know exactly what Farage has said but you have to be realistic. Whatever valid points TR has raised, the fact remains that his public manner and image is that of a thug and racist . He may appeal to some but repels many, many times more.
    Frankly, Farage and Reform have enough of a challenge without aligning themselves with people who are political kryptonite.
    Agree with you about hope not hate but l’m not aware of Farage ‘cosying’ up to them at all.

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