Another allegation of two tier policing


The denials by the government, police chiefs and mainstream media commentators and journalists that there is two tier policing in Britain are getting difficult to sustain in the face of increasing evidence that Britons are not being policed equally or impartially. This is not just evidence that has emerged since the recent civil disturbances, but is evidence that has been building up, bit by bit over months and years.

We’ve seen double standards from police forces over how demonstrations by groups such as BLM, Hamas supporters and Just Stop Oil have been very lightly policed when compared to how other groups including groups from the political right or those who challenge state narratives are policed. We’ve also had the horrific example of how police forces over a period of decades, turned somewhat of a blind eye to rape gangs in cases where the majority members of these gangs are Muslim. Then there is the decision of police to not investigate obvious harassment when it comes from groups that are favoured by the State such as in the case of the Batley teacher who was harassed by Islamic extremists into hiding because he showed a Mohammed cartoon to his class.

Now we have another worrying allegation of two tier policing that has emerged. It comes from the comedian and song parody maker Daniel Bostock. Mr Bostock, who chiefly became know for the ‘Parklife’ parody ‘Far Right’, has alleged that police in his village were doing nothing about a ‘foreign man’ harassing women and girls in his village. The local police however have, said Mr Bostock, been around to warn Mr Bostock about the ‘content of his Facebook posts’.

Mr Bostock went online to complain about the situation and his complaint according to Mr Bostock went viral.

Here’s the video

Apparently tens of thousands of people have seen Mr Bostock’s vehement complaint about the situation in his village and his local police force’s inability or unwillingness to deal with it. In a follow up video Mr Bostock says that his rant has had some effect and now the village is seeing a much increased and much welcomed police presence. It looks to me as if shaming the police in a very public manner may well have worked here. In his follow up video Mr Bostock apologises to the two police officers who came to his door for telling them to ‘fuck off’. I don’t agree with everything Mr Bostock says but I think that he’s probably correct to say sorry to these individual police officers. This is because it’s increasingly clear that many of the problems regarding two tier policing do not come from the ordinary front line officer but from police management and higher ranks. There are decent front line officers who do police without fear or favour and who do hold themselves to Peelian standards in their police work. I know this because I have met some of them over the years. However bad policies coming from police management are one of the root causes of the public perception of the police treating and policing different groups in different manners.

The local community where Mr Bostock lives should never have been placed in the situation where potentially dangerous and maybe imported men are left free to roam their streets. It should not have taken a viral video to get the police to do what they are damned well paid to do and take proactive measures to protect society’s most vulnerable from predation by monsters in human form. The police should have acted on the first complaint and not have to be publicly shamed into acting by a viral video.

4 Comments on "Another allegation of two tier policing"

  1. Sheikh Anvakh | August 18, 2024 at 1:24 pm |

    I have to agree with them 100% The Plods have abandoned the streets and instead of doing their damned job, go after soft targets, interpreting the law depending on who tho go after or if a “protected” species, to look the other way.
    Under 2-Tier Kier Stalin and Yvette Goebbels-Cooper the common purpose infiltrated Plods are little better than a New UK GESTAPO, where policing by consent has been replaced by policing by tyranny, and all under a regime run by supposed “Human Rights” lawyers.
    I despise the Gestapo after what they tried to do to me in 2929, fake “complaints” trumped up charges, assaulted, a d the bastards were prepared/ordered to perjure themselves.
    Under 2-Tier Stalin and Goeballs-Cooper the UK is in grave danger, while the spineless Tory rump, who when in government could’ve repealed all of the Blairite police state enabling shit, chose to do nothing.
    I shit the lot of them.
    The only group saying anything is Reform UK and even they are far too muted.

  2. Sheikh Anvakh | August 18, 2024 at 1:28 pm |

    This is where we’re going. 1990 starring Edward Woodward, a series from 1978, never repeated. Scared the hell out of me as I saw it was where we were going.

  3. 👍

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