Israeli leader tells over-promoted British moron to sod off.


Despite having a Labour government it is becoming increasingly clear that it is a government not of ‘all the talents’ but of all the talentless. We can see this because of the lack of high calibre politicians who have been given Cabinet jobs in this current government. We’ve now got in Government former failed ministers such as Yvette Cooper, a Transport Minister who caves in to union demands regarding pay and changes to working practises and an Education Secretary who is likely to water down restrictions on teaching gender ideology in schools. Labour have also appointed David Lammy, a man who despite going to Harvard. has managed to give the distinct impression of being an uninformed moron as Foreign Secretary.

Mr Lammy is in the news for all the wrong reasons today because of his ham-fisted attempts to bring peace to the Middle East. How anyone could have thought that this race obsessed, socialist and ideologue with a record for anti-Israel speech would be the best person to appoint as Foreign Secretary at a time when the Middle East is exploding is beyond my comprehension. He’s currently in the region hawking his selective conscience around like the ghost of Labour politician George Lansbury’s idiotic pacifism in the face of the danger of Hitlerism. Just as Lansbury refused to see the threat from Nazi Germany so Mr Lammy fails to see the threat posed by Hamas and those like them or perceive that genocidal Jihadists this these are not just a threat to Israel.

Now Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to humour Mr Lammy any more. Mr Netanyahu has refused to meet Mr Lammy on Friday.

Middle East Eye said:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to meet British Foreign Secretary David Lammy on Friday during his trip to Israel, according to Israeli media reports.

The British government made multiple requests for a sit-down meeting with Netanyahu, Israel’s Channel 13 News and The Times of Israel reported.

But the government was told Netanyahu had a scheduling conflict.

According to Channel 13 News, citing Israeli sources, the Israeli prime minister was angered by the new Labour government’s recent decision to withdraw British objections to the International Criminal Court deciding on issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

This is extremely embarrassing for both Mr Lammy and the Labour Government of Britain. Here we have one of Britain’s highest ranking Cabinet Ministers, a holder of one of the four Great Offices of State, being told, rightly in my view, to sod off. If I was the leader of a foreign government and I was faced with the prospect of meeting a man who is both an extremely undiplomatic diplomat and who has sided with the enemies of my nation, then I’d probably treat them in a similar manner to how Mr Netanyahu has treated Mr Lammy.

A Foreign Office source told Middle East Eye there had been no plans for David Lammy to meet Netanyahu.

I think that I have to say at this point, ‘yeah, right’. This looks like a bit of textual arse covering and face saving from a government department that is so pro-Arab that at one point it earned the nickname of ‘The Camel Corps’.

The current Middle East conflict is one where a nation, Israel, is facing a genocidal enemy that wants to wipe it out. Israel faces a threat similar to what might have happened to Britain in 1940 had Operation Sea Lion gone ahead and had been successful. This is the sort of geopolitical situation that requires any diplomatic intervention from outside, especially by a former colonial power, to be realistic and intelligent in nature. It’s certainly not the sort of situation which requires the intervention of third rate politicians like David Lammy or his distinctly Sixth Form politics.

5 Comments on "Israeli leader tells over-promoted British moron to sod off."

  1. Philip Copson | August 18, 2024 at 11:16 am |

    Go to Youtube and see his performance on “Mastermind”: If he wasn’t a government minister, his stupendous idiocy would be funny. Eg – how could anybody but the subnormal think that Henry VIII was succeeded by Henry VII ???.

    Who knows – maybe the whole Israeli cabinet watched it in a special viewing at the Knesset before his arrival – looked at each other, and said; “Nah – let’s not bother…”

  2. Can’t say l’m a big fan of Netanyahu but I do admire his restraint and tact on this occasion. He apologises blaming scheduling issues when l would feel compelled to call Lammy out for the irrelevant, intellectually challenged, race baiting grifter that he so obviously is.
    Cooper seems to be labour’s version of Teresa May and already out of her depth. At least Starm-Fuhrer has had the sense to sideline super snob in chief Thornbury (aka lady Dingle berry) but, like the unflushable turd, l’m expecting her to resurface in a role that allows her to make everyone else as miserable as she is.
    On balance though, labour has exceeded my expectations – l thought it would take at least 18 months to begin alienating significant parts of the electorate but in practice they have started in little more than 18 days. Definitely hit the ground running and bodes well for Reform (maybe even the Tories) if they can get their act together.

  3. 👍

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