A little while ago I got alerted to this story and video which is on the Mr Menno channel. Now for those who don’t know Mr Menno is a gay man who is a doughty, committed and effective fighter against the gender identity cult. I first came across him when he produced the excellent parody of the Village People’s ‘YMCA’ song called ‘Y Chromosome’ which is both funny and sadly extremely accurate.
Mr Menno has uncovered the story of a primary school in South London which is gone full in for ‘LGBT’ education and is promoting the use of preferred pronouns and sexuality education that in my view has no place in a primary school. The school took the video and related materials down from the internet when the school started to get pushback from normal people who believe that this sort of crap is completely unsuitable for children. However, others managed to download the schools questionable content and has put it out for debate.
Here’s the video.
Now I’ve nothing against teenagers for example being told that LGB have equal rights to everyone else but no school, no matter what age group it caters for should be pushing gender nonsense on their pupils. The school the local authority and whatever group is now managing this school’s sex and relationship education programme, are brainwashing these children and under a Labour government the situation regarding this issue is likely to get a whole lot worse.
I don’t entirely understand this. Why is mentioning gay relationships villified as promoting adult sexuality whereas we have heterosexual relationships regarded as a culrural norm regardless of what goes on in the bedroom until the details are more age appropriate?
*cultural* sp
This is who is behind all this? Here is your answer.
Jennifer Bilek | Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA?