Video: Konstantin Kisin experiences an attack of the bias hounds.


As someone who has worked in the media I understand that every journalist looks for an angle in a story. They ask themselves how is this story relevant or how can it be sold to our readers or be written up in such a way so that it interests their particular readership. I know this as I’ve been sent on jobs like this such as the time when I was sent out to doorstep a celebrity lookalike who was getting divorced at a roughly similar time to when the actual celebrity that they impersonated was getting divorced. Without the celebrity lookalike angle this would be a non-story but with the lookalike aspect became a story.

Personally I see little wrong with hanging less than impactful stories onto tangentally related ones as it can provide a hook for what otherwise might be a less than enticing story for readers. However what is difficult to excuse is the sort of bent journalism that the commentator Konstantin Kisin recently experienced. Mr Kisin was contacted by a reporter from the American TV network NBC. The reporter wanted to talk to Mr Kisin about Elon Musk and his recent comments on the shocking state of the United Kingdom and the equally dire state of freedom of speech on these islands.

Being possessed of a high degree of common sense Mr Kisin recorded the telephone conversation and has publicised it. In the video which is embedded below the reporter seems to have gone hell for leather to get Mr Kisin to agree with the idea that Mr Musk had encouraged a ‘civil war’ situation to arise in the UK. Mr Kisin obviously saw through this tactic and dealt admirably with a journalist who is clearly very politically biased and who is putting together a story not for the interest of his readership or viewership but to serve and promote a particular political narrative.

Here’s the video. Those in other fields who are dissidents and who are contacted by representatives of the mainstream media should watch it and learn the sort of tricks that MSM ‘journalists’ will use to put their interviewees on the back foot.

Watching this video I find myself in agreement with Mr Kisin when he says that any residual trust one might have in the MSM gets destroyed the first time that anyone has any contact with their representatives. This video should be seen as an educational resource that teaches people just how to deal with those who have decided that they are no longer journalists but political whores who care little for the truth or even whether a story will attract eyeballs but only whether or not a story backs up the Establishment narrative.

2 Comments on "Video: Konstantin Kisin experiences an attack of the bias hounds."

  1. Hello Farhenheit, point taken but you know it happens to ‘the left’ as well? Strange coincidence as I saw a post this morning from a notable children’s author from a more leftist position suspicious of a MSM media request for an interview about his latest publication of poetry for children.

    I’m assuming his 8dentity is guessable so I will not labour the point.

  2. *identity, typo apologies

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