Why was this bastard even in the UK in the first place?


There are some people who have migrated to the UK or whose families have done so who are an absolute asset to the UK. If we are honest with ourselves, then I think that we’ve all met those who maybe were not born here but who have thrown in their lot with us and have made a positive difference. But then there’s the likes of Munawar Hussain, a creature so deranged and deluded by the death cult of Islam that he attacked a female Marks and Spencer shopworker because of his twisted Islamic beliefs that the shop was ‘oppressing’ the so-called ‘Palestinians’. This is an individual who is of no possible or practical use to the United Kingdom. He’s yet another mad Muslim burden on our society and his presence in the UK is clearly neither needed nor wanted and reading between the lines of the report on this story from the Daily Mail, Hussain doesn’t even seem to have contributed much if anything to the UK society or economy.

Perkin Amalaraj writing for The Daily Mail said:

A Jihadi knifeman who slashed a defenceless M&S worker’s neck during a vicious rampage in December 2020 has been given an indefinite hospital order for his crimes. 

Munawar Hussain, 60, stabbed Samantha Worthington, who managed the Burnley town centre branch of M&S, in the neck before chasing her through the shop on December 2 2020

He then stabbed a customer in her arm, and tried to stab her in the back as she lay on the floor, only for the blade to snap as it got stuck in her handbag strap. He then fled the scene, but was caught by a security guard and members of the public before cops arrives. 

It is clear from this report why this Hussain savage carried out the attack. He attacked a random person because his deluded Islam addled mind had decided that a shop was funding Israel.

The Daily Mail added:

Cops found a note written in Urdu which read: ‘O Israel, you are inflicting atrocities on Palestinians and Marks & Spencer helping you financially.’

Yes, it’s another of those examples of Islam derived Jew hatred, you know the ones that the liberal left would rather we believe didn’t exist.

What’s disturbing about this latest case of a savage going ‘full Islam’ on innocent people is that this is not Hussain’s first go on the stabby savage ride.

The Daily Mail continued:

After he was found guilty of attempted murder and wounding following a trial at Manchester Crown Court in March 2023, he later pleaded guilty to a further offence of attempted murder for attacking a male nurse at the secure unite he was being held in. 

Today Hussain was handed an indefinite hospital order, which means he can only be discharged by the Secretary of State for Justice or the Mental Health Tribunal.  

Yes this mad useless and costly to the nation Muslim had already attacked a mental health nurse with a knife.

The hospital order means that we are saddled with paying for the upkeep of this worthless savage for the rest of his time in hospital and probably will have to fund his existence via welfare if or when he is released from hospital. This bastard should never have been in the UK in the first place. He’s been no use to us or our economy or society. Why was he here if he clearly gives us any real benefit? If he hadn’t been here in the first place then two people would not have been stabbed and we would have been spared the cost of tolerating him and his damaging ways in our society

3 Comments on "Why was this bastard even in the UK in the first place?"

  1. He’ll be out soon, mark my words, if the words and actions of the Shill4Hamas who is Labour’s “justice” minister, is anything to go by.
    Probably to make room for a “far right” harmless white person who said a hurty-word.

  2. Deport him to his home country.

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