‘Hezbollah have only got one ball, the other is nowhere to be found at all’


I’ve been a bit busy with household and family stuff recently which has included moving 1.25 tonnes of coal into new and more discreet coal storage and building a massive and posh Succah (a roofless tent) in order to get ready for our equivalent of a harvest festival. I underestimated how long these jobs would take and have therefore been somewhat out of the loop and depleted of writing time. But, the roofless tent frame is now completed and the coal is now in its new more tidy home at the bottom of the garden and I’m back at my keyboard. I’m going to be trying to play catch up with stories I’ve encountered during the last few weeks but have not been able to do so.

The first thing I want to write about today is the astonishing attacks, by Israel, on the terrorist group Hezbollah. The attacks first targeted hundreds of pagers used by commanders of the Hezbollah group to communicate with subordinates. These pagers simultaneously exploded killing a few Hezbollah terrorists but injuring many many more. Even those these exploding pagers did not kill that many terrorists, they’ve maimed many and these maimed terrorists are now little use for Hezbollah fighting purposes. Many of these pagers exploded in the trouser pockets of terrorists thereby kinetically emasculating them which has led to a massive number of memes being created about how Hezbollah now have no balls, some of these memes and comments have included updates to the old song ‘Hitler has only got one ball’ as can be seen in the quote used as the title for this article.

A day or so after the exploding pagers incident there was another attack on Hezbollah’s communications network this time targeting the terror group’s mobile communication systems. Whilst Hezbollah were reeling from the attack on them via their pagers the terror group then had to contend with their walkie talkies also suddenly becoming explosive devices.

Again in this secondary attack there were deaths of terrorists and those who were their fellow travellers but also many more Hezbollah jihadists being injured and therefore being taken out of the game by being unable to fight.

What’s amazing about both these attacks is the extremely targeted nature of it. I’ve been following this story closely and there appear to be very few secondary non-intended casualties of these attacks. The number of innocent civilians who have been killed in these attacks by Israel appear to be astoundingly small. The civilian collateral damage as a result of these attacks is even more remarkably small when you consider just how many thousands or tens of thousands of deaths would occur to achieve a similar objective in for example World War II or Vietnam.

According to the various bits of gossip I’ve seen floating around it may well be the case that these communication devices were supplied by front companies by the Israelis to Hezbollah. Hezbollah wanted pagers and hand portable two way radios to replace cellphones after the cellphone system had allegedly been compromised by the Israeli military. Apparently Israel managed to intercept or manipulate the transaction for the communications devices, disassemble them, reassemble them with explosives and detonation circuitry and then let them go on to their destination of the Hezbollah group.

If even a part of what I’ve heard is true about this operation then it must stand as one of the greatest and boldest military operations of the last 100 years. It’s astonishing that the Israelis managed to get their enemy to purchase the very devices that would be their partial undoing and what’s more do this, according to some gossip, about a year or so prior to the pager and walkie talkie attacks. Some commentators are comparing the Israeli action against Hezbollah to the early use of radar countermeasures by Allied aircraft during WWII’s Operation Gomorrah, the bombing of Hamburg, this comparison is, I assume, because of the tech fighting tech aspect to the Israeli attacks on Hezbollah. However I tend to think that because of the extreme and effective levels of deception of the enemy by Israel then I’d compare it, at least in part, to Operation Fortitude, the fake army created by the Allies to fool the Germans into thinking that the 1944 invasion and liberation of France would occur near Calais and not the real landing spots in Normandy.

Militarily, this action by Israel has gone a great way to assisting Israel against its enemy Hezbollah. It has removed an unknown but probably large proportion of its fighters from any potential battle and sowed a great deal of panic and confusion among the enemy. With so much damage done to Hezbollah and is fighters by the pager and two way radio attacks Israel now has a much less arduous path to deal with Hezbollah than might otherwise be the case. Hezbollah need to be dealt with as Hezbollah have been a constant blockage to peace and a continual threat to Israel with horrendous levels of indiscriminate attacks by Hezbollah on Israeli civilians. Hezbollah have always been a threat but since 7/10 because Hezbollah have been firing many more rockets into Northern Israel than usual the need to take out Hezbollah for good has become an imperative. For the sake of peace Hezbollah need to be neutralised and now that Israel is engaged in heavy conflict with Hezbollah over the Lebanese border Hezbollah may well find itself with less manpower than they should have had due in some part to the previous communications devices attacks. If Israel has taken out Hezbollah high ups as well as the group’s footsoldiers then this puts Hezbollah in a very bad position in their fight against Israel.

Now that the fighting has really started we shall see how all this pans out. The left and the Islamists who they politically fellate are going absolutely apeshit over both the Israeli ground and air attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon but also over the initial communications devices attacks. I say let the leftists, the mental case Greens and their Islamist mates whine and moan about this. The more they shout and scream the more they show their true faces which, as we are increasingly seeing, are the faces of those who commit treason against Western values and who wish for nothing but the destruction of the West. Israel’s fight against Hezbollah is also the West’s fight against the scourge of Islamism, a cult that threatens both cultural Muslims and the non-Muslim world in general. Israel having almost vanquished Hamas are now having to turn their attention to Hezbollah and the threat that Hezbollah poses to Israel is little different from the threat that all of us, no matter what our race or faith, face from Islamism and Jihadism.

4 Comments on "‘Hezbollah have only got one ball, the other is nowhere to be found at all’"

  1. Yes, but I think you be need to be a bit more honest with your blog followers as to far how your apparent counter jihad goes. Do you regard Islam as a dangerous ideology for instance rather than a religion which should be obliterated from the face of the planet regardless of how many wars it might take?

    • Islam is indeed a dangerous ideology. That doesn’t mean every one of its followers are dangerous nor that there are not minority paths within Islam such as the Ahmadiyya or the Aga Khan’s sect of Ismaili Islam that are less troublesome than others. There are some Muslims who do a pretty good job of turning the sows ear of Islamic theology into something resembling a silk purse. Wars against ideology are sometimes necessary as was the case with WWII and the Cold War but regardless of that fact what is pertinent is that it is Islam that has all too often fired the first shots in many of these conflicts between Islam and the rest of the world. We in the West have kidded ourselves that just because we in Judeo-Christian societies have fought and won the battles against religious extremism following the Enlightenment then other religious paths will do the same. Sadly that has not been the case and the current iteration of Islam as is found in many parts of the world are just as fanatical, just as violent and just as dangerous as the Islamic armies that were turned back by the Holy Roman Empire from Vienna in 1683.

      I don’t hate individual Muslims even though I dislike their ideology and that’s because I know from experience that there are many Muslims who are decent individuals not because of Islamic teachings but in spite of them and that there are also many Muslims who dislike the ideology they are in and yearn to either leave or see it practised differently but who are just as oppressed as heterodox Muslims within Islam as the Dhimmi and others outside of Islam who are also oppressed. There is already a war going on but only one side, that of radical Islam, that believes that there is a war.

  2. Nice to see you back blogging. Agree the exploding pager attack was a stroke of pure genius, for me it was the anticipation and strategic thinking that impressed as much as the execution. Specifically how hezbolah were led from mobiles to pagers to walkie talkies with each step being an ambush.
    Another meme for you :

    From the liver to the knee
    Israel will be free


    • Thank you. I had to get the Succah and the coal storage done while the weather was if not good at least not bloody awful. The pager attack was fabulous and one for the history books. It hit the terrorists right where it hurt and paralysed their communications. I do like that meme.

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