Good riddance to bad rubbish


Former Prime Minister David, now Lord, Cameron did a couple of really good things such as leader such as making the Conservative party electable again following their vanquishing by Tony Blair’s Labour in 1997 and permitting the Brexit vote. But he did a lot of truly awful things to the party such as promoting in the party those individuals who were clearly those who might have been happier in the Liberal Democrats rather than the Conservative Party and ennobling and then making Syeeda Warsi a government minister.

When Syeeda Warsi was first ennobled and given a shadow cabinet position in 2007 I didn’t really give it much thought. I assumed, wrongly it turned out, that Warsi was being ennobled and fast tracked into the Shadow Cabinet because she had specific knowledge and skills that gave her the edge in the post of Shadow Minister for Social Cohesion. I thought at the time that it was good that a moderate Muslim was being put forward for high or at least high-ish office especially so shortly after the Islamic atrocity of 7/7. At the time I naively believed that moderation was much more widespread in Britain’s Islamic community than it has turned out to be and it was good to see such religious moderation being recognised and thought that Baroness Warsi might be a rallying point for Islamic religious moderates.

The problem is that over the years it has become starkly clear that Warsi was not promoted because of her skills, she was I’m afraid little more than a diversity hire. She is someone put into a position not because she had insights that others did not have, but because she ticked the correct box as a female Muslim, a box that virtue signallers like David Cameron wanted to tick.

Since Baroness Warsi entered high profile politics via the House of Lords having failed to get elected in Dewsbury on the Conservative Party ticket, she’s done very little that is positive. Yes of course she did well when she and Lord Ahmed of Rotherham (later revealed to be a sex offender and rabid ‘Palestine’ supporter) travelled to Sudan to try to mediate the release of a British schoolteacher who was being held on a ‘blasphemy’ charge after her class named a teddy bear ‘Mohammed’. But apart from that there’s very little that could be considered as useful that she’s done. She’s done an awful lot of whining about ‘Islamophobia’ and being a bit of a race baiter by supporting some racially disparaging language whilst disparaging others. She also resigned from Government in 2014 when the Israelis had to take action against the savages of Hamas in Gaza. At the time she called for an arms embargo on Israel and clearly didn’t want Israel to be able to defend itself against monstrous jihadi scum that later went on to carry out the 7/10 atrocity in 2023.

The tag of ‘moderate’ that went along with Baroness Warsi also took a bit of a beating when it was revealed that she has had some very dubious friends, including those belonging to the Muslim Engagement and Development group (MEND). MEND have legal but questionable views and they are a group that even our Home Office refused to work or engage with. However Baroness Warsi seemed to like them as she was a Parliamentary guest of MEND seven times.

Then there is Warsi’s spat with Sara Khan the Government anti extremism commissioner when Warsi got on her high horse to denounce Ms Khan as being a ‘home office construct’ because Ms Khan ran outreach sessions for Muslim women to teach them how to divert their children from supporting groups like ISIS.

There’s been enough dirt surrounding Baroness Warsi or at lease evidence of questionable friends and behaviour to be reasonably confident in saying that promoting Warsi and bringing her into government was a massive mistake by Lord Cameron. My own view is that Warsi, once she started to hang around with MEND and voice support for the murderous thugs of Hamas in 2014, should have lost the Conservative Party whip. The problem is that neither Cameron nor other subsequent Conservative Party leaders did this. They played the coward and let her fester on the red benches of the House of Lords spewing out garbage and showing the entire world that although she was in the Conservative Party she was no conservative.

But it looks as if Cameron’s big mistake in promoting Warsi might be being put right. Following her involvement in a spat with other Tories when she supported a minority individual acquitted of using a racially charged comment, the accusation of a person being a ‘coconut’, the Party asked Warsi to remove her comments on this matter and Warsi refused. The result of all this is that Warsi has voluntarily surrendered the Tory Whip in the Lords. She is now, to all intents and purposes, nothing to do with the Tory party. She might still have the right to sit in the House of Lords but she’s a independent aka Cross Bencher and not a Tory now.

Here’s Baroness Warsi’s announcement of her resigning the Tory whip on X (formerly Twitter)

So it’s goodbye and good riddance to Warsi. This move should have happened much earlier but better late than never I suppose.

It has been suggested that Warsi has jumped before she was pushed and this theory might well be correct. Warsi has pissed off a load of people in the Tories and it’s possible that any investigation into her spat over her support for those who use the term ‘coconut’ would have found against her anyway.

One commentator on X said:

This commentator might be onto to something and that Warsi wanted to get the public relations edge by flouncing from the party before she was removed by other means. But the main thing is that she’s now gone. Cameron’s mistake has erased herself and she can spend more time with her family and the nutters of MEND and whining about ‘Islamophobia’ with less time as an official conservative reminding us of Cameron’s poor judgement abilities when it came to picking individuals for government office.


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