Starmer’s scandals

Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer.


I expected that this Labour government would be mired in scandals. I suspected, quite correctly that they’d play the same game of dodgy friends, client groups, funding and arse covering for more morally challenged Labour politicos, as the do in local government. I have not forgotten that it was Labour councils and  Labour governments that mismanaged both local government and the nation’s finances and abandoned tens of thousands of children and young people to the Islamic Rape Gangs. I expected that Labour would be both shit and would end up being battered by scandals. But the scandals surrounding this Labour government have come out incredibly quickly and much more quickly than I expected and are circling closer and closer to the leadership of the party.

There is a massive rumour mill running about Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer at the moment. What’s worse is that it is a rumour mill that is running so fast and so intense that I do wonder whether it is being powered by a Rolls Royce Merlin engine.

The stuff being spewed out by this rumour mill includes but is not limited to: Speculation that there is some sort of ‘superinjuction’ in place regarding Starmer’s private life. However this claim can be dismissed as superinjunctions are so wide ranging that the media are not allowed to even mention that a superinjunction is in place. Then there are the vague claims that there are ‘open secrets’ in Westminster circles about the ‘shape of Sir Keir’s family’ which could mean anything from Sir Keir and Lady Starmer living separate lives to the currently baseless claims that Starmer has more illegitimate children than one of our former Prime Ministers Boris Johnson has. Then there are the equally unproven allegations about Sir Keir’s sexuality that seem to have emerged because Starmer has taken funding from a gay Labour Peer and has made extensive use of that peer’s top tier London property to stay in and make broadcasts from.

Even when Starmer has attempted to deal with these scandals he makes things worse. Such as when he declared that he’d pay back some money (but nowhere near the full amount) that he had had in donations. The problem for Starmer in doing this is that it now makes him look as if he’s done something wrong. If the donations were indeed fully above board then there’d be no need to ‘head a scandal off at the pass’ as Starmer has done by playing the paying back card.

Starmer’s scandals are beginning to morph into a nineties style ‘cash for access’ one with donors being given access to Number Ten. Labour is also looking dodgy with regards to the money given to them by a whole lot of ‘green’ donors and as it’s clear that these are the donors that are looking to profit from Ed ‘Beaker’ Miliband’s various net zero boondoggles such as ‘carbon capture’ and renewable energy. The stink of a cash for access scandal isn’t helped by the news that the Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds has been accused of planning to hold a £30k breakfast meeting for business leaders an event that was said to have been organised by the Labour Party itself.

The Starmer scandals are not usual in a relatively new government. They are the sort of thing that emerges when a government is reaching the end of its term and is both tired and complacent as well as being divorced from the people it governs. The seedy cash for access stories, the dubious donations and the promotion of oddball policies at the behest of donors and lobbyists in the past all seemed to crop up when a government was tired and saggy. It’s astonishing that so many scandals linked to so much moral turpitude should hit this government so early in its administration. I fear that the scandals will not die down but will probably get much much worse and this government will continue to decline into more and more third world style political morality.




1 Comment on "Starmer’s scandals"

  1. I am wondering whether Sir Janus Starmfuhrer has recognised how tenuous labour’s grip on power actually is and that has prompted to do everything he can while he can. Labour does look a bit desperate to me tbh.
    Astounded how quickly things have started to unravel though.

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