October 7th Anniversary.


Today we reach a milestone. It’s one year to the day since Islamic terrorists from the Iranian backed Hamas group, along with civilians from the Gaza terror statelet invaded Israel and murdered over 1100 people. The savages of Hamas carried off hundreds more into captivity in dark tunnels, tunnels probably paid for by Western aid to the ‘Palestinians’, to be murdered, abused, tortured and occasionally released by Hamas for public relations reasons.

There are still around a hundred people, including Israelis taken as babies, still held in captivity by the remnants of Hamas in Gaza, with nobody knowing what is or has been the fate of these captives. It’s likely that the families of those who have been kidnapped and the world will not know what has happened to them until the Israeli Defence Forces finally completely destroy Hamas, its infrastructure and its supporters.

The 7/10 Pogrom, for that is what it was, wasn’t just another one of the 46,000+ Islamic terror attacks that the world has experienced since September 11th 2001, although it clearly was one of the many such atrocities. It was also the biggest loss of life in an attack on Jews since the end of the Holocaust. To put the death toll created by these Islamic terrorists among both Jewish and non-Jewish Israelis and the non-Israelis who were also murdered into some sort of context for British readers, the number killed on 7/10 is 12 times higher than the number of Britons killed in all Islamic terror attacks in Britain. That is if you took every violent terror attack by Muslims on Britons from 7/7 onwards, it would be the equal of only one twelfth of the death toll from the 7/10 Pogrom.

In this piece I will not rehash the horrors that these Islamic savages created which I saw being livestreamed by the savages of Hamas and by the Gazan civilians, others out there will do this far better than I could manage. But what I will say is that the 7/10 Pogrom has been a psychic blow to the Jewish people that, like the Kishinev Pogroms in the Russian Empire of 1903 and 1905 will live in the minds of Jews for the foreseeable future and will change Jewish thought. The Kishinev Pogroms solidified in the minds of the oppressed Jews of Eastern Europe the need for Zionism as a way to be safe from oppression and the 7/10 Pogrom has had and is having similar effects on the world’s Jews today.

One of the things that is emerging in the Jewish community following the 7/10 Pogrom is a dawning realisation that those who some of us might have thought of as allies, such as those on the liberal / left part of the political spectrum, have turned out to be enemies. The leadership of groups that Jews helped, out of a sense of justice and fellow feeling because they have suffered similar oppressions to that of Jews, have turned, often violently against the world’s Jews. For example: Those Jews who in their youth supported the Civil Rights movement in the United States have seen, in their elder years, the Civil Rights movement morph into the rabidly anti-Semitic Black Lives Matter movement. Also those Jews who put their faith not in the Eternal One but in political movements, such as interfaith work, have seen those who they have helped and worked with in the hope of achieving peace and coexistence instead push Jews aside and gleefully take part in demonstrations calling for the deaths of millions of Israeli Jews.

Because the Jewish community in the world is so relatively small at approximately 16 million as of 2023, everyone in the community, at least according to my experience, seems to know someone who has been impacted by the 7/10 Pogrom. Sometimes people know those who were directly affected by the horror, either because they were killed by the Islamic savages of Hamas, or who have had family and friends kidnapped, or who are Israelis who have had to be evacuated from their homes in the North of Israel because of attacks by another Islamic terror group Hezbollah, based in Southern Lebanon.

Across the world Jews are finding out who their friends are and are being surprised that these friends are not where they expected to be. Jews have found themselves excluded from events and campaigns, especially those put on by or backed by the political Left because this Left, which has bought into completely the bullshit narrative of ‘Palestinianism’ has turned against Jews, not because of the politics of individual Jews but because they are Jews per se. This is especially pronounced in the United States, where Jewish artists, writers and thinkers are finding themselves excluded from participation in cultural and political events, unless they renounce a key aspect of Judaism which has been present in Judaism since the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in the first century CE, which is the yearning to return to Zion. However, much to the surprise of many Jews, support for the existence and safety of Jews both in Israel and in the diaspora is coming not from the political currents of the centre Left that traditionally Jews associated with such things, but from the centre right and the right of politics.

The last year since 7/10/2023 has been a year of mourning and grief for the Jewish people. But it has also been a year where assumptions have had to be abandoned. Assumptions such as police forces in Western nations like the United Kingdom will protect Jews, that politicians will see and accept the injustice of 7/10 and support their nation’s Jews and that the Muslims who live in the West are not dyed in the wool Jew haters.

All these assumptions have been shattered. London’s Metropolitan Police have been shown to be horrendously biased against Britain’s Jews but extremely enthusiastic about facilitating demonstrations by rabid Islamic Jew haters. In more than one case, British Jews have been restricted by the police from being in areas where the pro-Hamas hate marchers are operating. It’s clear that police forces such as the Met have decided that they will not defend the rights of Jews should they be in places like central London when the Hamas supporters are out and about. The Met have picked their side and it shows.

Those politicians who continually make the right sounding noises about equality and judging people by the content of their character, rather than any other aspect of a person, have also been found wanting. In the UK we have had politicians like Zarah Sultana choose not to speak up for their constituents but instead parrot the lies and propaganda of Islamic terrorists, such as those from Hamas and Hezbollah. We’ve had the emergence of lunatic groups like ‘Queers for Palestine’ who studiously ignore the fact that to be a ‘queer’ (oh how I hate that fucking word) in ‘Palestine’ or any other area run by Islam is an instant death sentence. Not for nothing are such groups referred to as ‘Chickens for KFC’. Leftism has always had an anti-Semitic aspect to it, which goes right back to Karl Marx and his writings but now the gloves and the masks are off. It’s clear that the Left has gone back to its Jew hating roots and no amount of wishful thinking by Jews who might have supported parties like Labour because of a folk memory of the Labour movement smashing the sweatshops of the early 20th century in Britain, is going to change that. Also any thoughts that a British government would recognise that Israel’s enemies are also the enemies of Britain and its people, has been crushed by the Labour government’s determination to deprive Israel of the means of defending itself and shoving taxpayers money at UN ‘refugee’ groups that are closely and intimately connected with Islamic terror groups such as Hamas.

Another assumption, that of interfaith work, that some might have thought would make things better has also been shattered. Jews have found that some of the Muslims who they shook hands with, broke bread with and who they believed were in similar oppressive situations as Jews once found themselves in in places like Britain, have taken to the streets to cheer on the murder of Jews. For a whole year the streets of many of Britain’s towns and cities have been filled up with Muslims calling for jihad against Jews, supporting proscribed terrorist organisations like Hamas and Hezbollah and chanting slogans referencing mass murders of Jews on the Arabian peninsula by the Islamic ‘prophet’ Mohammed in the seventh century. Up and down the UK mosques, some of whom were probably using and abusing the interfaith game for their own devices and their own ends, have hosted preachers calling for the death of Jews and the destruction of the State of Israel. The aftermath of the 7/10 Pogrom has seen British Muslims showing their true and exceedingly ugly faces week after week on the various hate marches in support of the people who mass murdered Jews and the ugly words coming out of the mouths of Imams in mosques. In the year since 7/10 Britons, both Jewish and non-Jewish, have seen the reality of ‘British’ Islam and it stinks to high heaven of hatred and violence. ‘British’ Muslims could have done the right thing and denounced Hamas and Hezbollah and their Jew hatred but they did not. A few Muslims in Britain have done so and they should be applauded for doing so but it’s not enough when the streets are full of Muslims screaming for the deaths of Jews.

The Jewish community in the United Kingdom especially is in the process of re-evaluation of where we stand. We now know that we cannot trust British politicians or the British police or the British Left nor trust the crocodile smiles of Muslim interfaith operatives assuring us that they don’t hate Jews and that Islam is a religion of peace. We’ve seen that when the chips are down and Jews are being mass murdered, that none of these entities are on our side. The main local consolation I see out of all that has happened is that it has woken up ordinary Britons to the horrors that Islamic extremism inflicts on the world, just as the newsreels that played in cinemas that showed the death camps informed Britons of the full extent of the horrors of Nazism after the end of World War II. The rain of death that the Islamic terrorists brought to Israel on 7/10 has shown Britons that the Islamic hatred that starts with Jews will not end with the Jews and that after the attacks on the Jews, the ‘Saturday people’, the Muslims will bring their violence and hatred onto the ‘Sunday people’, the Christians and the everyday people who have no particular faith or belief but who are just ‘not Muslim’.

Over the last year I’ve seen evil and excuses for evil. I’ve seen the words of the Prophet Isaiah from chapter 5 vs 20 in the Book of Isaiah be made flesh with some people becoming so warped by ideology and hatred that they ‘call good evil and evil good’. I’ve seen stuff that I really did not want to see and not just stuff from the Hamas livestreams of murder. I’ve seen the far Left and ‘British’ Muslims take to the streets to denounce Israel before the bodies of those murdered on 7/10 were even cold, way before Israel started its morally and militarily justified war against Hamas and other Islamic terror groups that threaten Israel.

I’ve also seen renegade Jews such as those from the Na’amod group, from the communist Novara Media organisation and Jewish Voice for Peace take the side of those who engaged in the mass murder of Jews. My disgust at these renegade Jews will never abate, not for the rest of my days. To those of that ilk I say this: I find it almost impossible, even so close to Yom Kippur, to forgive them for siding with the enemy, for giving support and propaganda opportunities to those whose cult demands the sacrifice of Jewish lives. Hashem may be able to forgive them but I won’t.

I don’t for obvious reasons overuse the word ‘Kapo’ to describe such people, others may be comfortable with doing that but I’m not, but I can see why others use that word to describe those renegade Jews who have thrown other Jews under the bus either to protect their own social, fiscal and political status or because they have become self hating. The word is also inappropriate because the Kapos were sometimes threatened with death by the Germans in order to get them to become oppressors of their own people, whereas these renegade Jews who have sided with the enemy have done so on a broadly voluntary basis. Nobody forced Novara Media’s Rivka Brown to put out a (later removed by her) Tweet applauding the murderous incursion into Israel by Hamas. Nobody forced members of the Jewish left several years back to hold Jewish memorial prayers in London for Hamas. Nobody coerced Na’amod to march with the Jew haters of the Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign or agitate against Israel in London alongside pro-Hamas scumbags and in communist shitholes like Bristol. Neither did anyone or anything put pressure on Jewish Voice for Peace to set up rallies across the United States calling for the destruction of the one Jewish state in the entire world. All of these individuals and groups have decided for themselves that they will support those who want me and mine dead. Nobody told them to behave like arseholes, they decided that all for themselves, which is why I will purposely shun and oppose such people, they are scum who have decided to be scum.

The last year has been a period of grief, change and unity for the Jewish people or that’s at least what I’m observing. The communal grief is profound but in grief has been forged a unity that despite the tears is wonderful to behold. The secular Jew has seen that they have a lot in common with religious Jews and to a certain extent vice versa, in so far as these groups have now begun to understand that the enemy doesn’t care if we are Reform or Liberal or Orthodox or Haredi or secular, the enemy just wants us dead, all of us. It is a great shame that it took such a terrible pogrom such as occurred on 7/10 to create that unity and remove the baseless hatreds that exist.

Geopolitically, change has come with the realisation among many ordinary people, Jews, non-Jews, Israelis and non-Israelis that the idea that there can be a two state solution to the problems of the Middle East is a monstrous delusion. Only the most naive and silliest of Israelis now would believe in such a thing. You cannot make a real peace with those who are not just programmed to kill you but have done just that and then rejoiced in the deaths of Jews as the ‘Palestinians’ have done. Any person with a functioning brain can now see that ‘Palestinianism’ is not a legitimate national movement but is instead a death cult and it is impossible to live in peace and trust with death cultists. The Two State Delusion is dead and only an idiot or a traitor would consider it something to aim for.

The last year has also been a period of revelations, such as Jewish communities realising that those they thought were our friends have turned out not to be and that the political classes that many Establishment Jews trusted have turned against us for reasons of political and electoral expediency. In addition the silence of those who say that they are the friends of Jews, such as those in the ‘anti racist’ movements has been deafening. These groups who pick up on every micro aggression when it is aimed or allegedly aimed at racial minorities or Muslims or whoever and whatever, have been utterly silent in the face of the biggest rise in Jew hatred in the West since the 1930’s. This change, this recognition that after 7/10 things will never be the same again, that the political channels that were used by entities such as the Board of Deputies of British Jews are worthless and that we have police forces that go out of their way to protect those calling for the mass murder of Jews, is going to reverberate down the decades. I say this: If we are to have allies in the Western diaspora then they are not going to be found where we might have traditionally found them, which is among the liberal intelligentsia but maybe in areas where we might not have expected to find them, because that liberal /left part of the cultural and political sphere is morally broken and I can’t see how that can be repaired.

I dreaded having to write this article but I knew that I had to. I’ve seen so much horror, read so much horror and heard so much horror since this time last year that I didn’t know how to even start writing this piece. However I do know how I want to end it and I want to end it with a prayer. May the memory of those martyred and those Israeli Defence Forces who have fallen in the fight against savagery be for a blessing. I also pray that Hashem will avenge the blood of the innocent who were martyred and avenge that blood whether the perpetrators or supporters of it are in Gaza, Judea and Shomron, Lebanon, Syria or Iran or even in some shitty hate filled mosque in Leyton, Manchester or Liverpool. Never again is now.




1 Comment on "October 7th Anniversary."

  1. A moving post that reflects the deep sense of disappointment (betrayal?) and anger the Jewish community must be feeling. The horror of the Hamas attack is bad enough but the aftermath should have left you feeling supported and secure not alienated.
    Instead, I have had to watch as the ‘authorities’ have allowed certain groups to behave in the most disgusting manner with apparent impunity. I doubt that l’m the only person who feels shame that this is being allowed to happen in my country.
    For today though, my thoughts are for the victims, their families and loved ones and for the wider Jewish community.
    You are not alone

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