From Elsewhere: Reminder. You are not hating the more nuttier activists of the Liberal Democrats enough.


Whilst I admit that there are decent people who are involved in the Liberal Democrat party in the UK, that doesn’t mean I should close my eyes to or ignore the seriously dangerous nutcases who are or were attached to the party. The Lib Dems have been a magnet for gender ideology types, have a bad reputation for badly treating women who question the gender identity cult and took donations from a company that produced the now puberty blockers which are now a discredited ‘treatment’ for children who are presenting as gender non-conforming. Whatever other good points the Liberal Democrats might have, if they have any that is, it’s clear to see that the party, in particular it’s ‘LGBT’ sections contains a lot of extremely nutty people.

One seriously dangerous nutcase who has been associated with the Liberal Democrats is a man who poses as a woman going by the name of Sarah Noble. Noble, who was expelled from the Liberal Democrats for writing articles that called for the murder of all men, is also an editor for Wikipedia.

In his capacity as a Wikipedia editor, Noble has edited an entry on the Islamic Rape Gang scandal that has afflicted towns and cities across the UK. He has edited it to claim that the Islamic Rape Gang scandal is not a real phenomenon but instead a right wing ‘moral panic’. This is outrageous as moral panic is normally a term that has been used to describe social panics that have no or little basis in reality such as Satanic Ritual Abuse or conflict between the youth subcultures of Mods and Rockers. The term was originated by Stanley Cohen a South African criminologist to describe “a condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests.” (Cohen, 1972, p. 1).

He clarified that while the issues addressed and identified were real, the claims made exaggerated the harm’s seriousness or inevitability.

Noble’s use of the term ‘moral panic’ to describe the Islamic Rape Gang phenomenon is in my view a way of downplaying the seriousness of this issue, to make it seem as less of a problem than it really is.

The editing of the Wikipedia entry on the subject of the Islamic Rape Gangs has brought forth a lot of criticism and this clearly politically motivated editing has been picked up by many outlets including the US magazine The Publica.

The Publica said:

The Wikipedia entry in question was related to a national crisis which saw over 1,400 children systemically raped by predators who were primarily of Pakistani origin and Muslim faith. The scandal was first uncovered back in 2010, when it was revealed that men from Pakistan dominated court records for grooming gang abuse, particularly in the South Yorkshire town of Rotherham.

As noted in the “Jay Report,” five men from Rotherham’s Islamic community were jailed for sexual offenses against underage girls. The Times released an article based on a police report about the extent of the issue where it revealed children in Rotherham were being abused “on an unprecedented scale” by networks of Pakistani men, only to be met with silence when these crimes were notified to the councils and various police forces. It was later revealed that local police were too frightened to investigate the reports due to fears of being condemned as “racist.”

More of these pedophilic networks have recently been exposed in towns and cities such as Telford, Rochdale, Newcastle, Oxford and Bristol, and follow a similar pattern of Pakistani men abusing British girls.

Until today, the page on the scandal was titled “Muslim grooming gangs in the UK,” but it has now been renamed “Grooming gang moral panic in the United Kingdom.”

The introductory paragraph has been edited to describe it as a “moral panic alleging that Asian (specifically South Asian, Pakistani and Muslim) men, are sexually abusing young White girls in the United Kingdom.” It continues on to blame “right-wing and far-right activists” for “popularizing” the terminology.

Upon being noticed by netizens, whistleblowers and survivors of the scandal described the change as “repulsive and disgusting.”

The Wikipedia editor behind the change, known as Spectre, has been exposed as former Liberal Democrat activist Sarah Noble, a man who identifies as a transgender “woman.”

We know now from the many different trials of offenders involved in this sort of sexual offending that Islamic Rape Gangs are a real and terrible thing. It is certainly not a baseless moral panic of a type which the Satanic Ritual Abuse claims are. These cases of majority Muslim rape gangs are an ongoing and deep seated problem and I can’t for the life of me see why a Wikipedia editor would want to downplay these problems by calling them a ‘moral panic’?

I have to acknowledge that it was the correct thing for the Lib Dems to expel this man for his comments about wanting to kill men. But the fact that this man who has gone on to try to sweep the Islamic Rape Gang problem under the proverbial carpet managed to exist in the Lib Dems for so long and push his trans cult nonsense from within the party should make us ask a whole lot of questions as to what other wrong’uns the Lib Dems may be hiding and supporting? I do hope that the furore that Noble has created by his actions gets the Wikipedia entry restored to its original format and that ordinary decent Lib Dems, of which there are many, do their utmost to root out the others like Noble who may well still be operating in the party and signing the party up to whatever their nonsense ideologies are. I’m all in favour of the Lib Dems going back to their genuinely liberal roots but that liberalism should not include tolerating those who wish to downplay the Islamic Rape Gang phenomenon or promote the extremes of the cult of trans. It’s frightening to think that if Noble had not made his extreme comments about wanting harm to come to all men, that this individual might still be in a position of influence within the party. Despite knowing quite a few decent and moral Lib Dem activists, I can’t ignore the fact that within the party there may be other activists like Noble of the type who you really can’t hate enough.

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