Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole. Volume 166. Pakistan’s less than equitable healthcare system.


Any regular reader of this blog and in particular readers of the ‘Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A Shithole’ feature will be aware that Pakistan is a hell hole for women, children and religious minorities. Pakistan’s Islamic character means that this nation is socially, economically, culturally and religiously retarded. It produces nothing that the world wants and its only major export appears to be rapists, dole bludgers and often vile and violent religious extremists. Of course not every Pakistani national is one of these reprobates but there are a sufficient number of those produced by Pakistan that the nation will always be five or more steps behind more civilised nations.

One area that Pakistan ‘excels’ in is religious discrimination. Pakistani Christians, Hindus, heterodox Muslims and Sikhs bear the brunt of the hatred that pours out of Pakistani society and culture with all the force of a gushing oil well.

The NGO ‘Persecution’ (h/t ROP) which monitors the treatment of Christians throughout the world and in particular the Islamic world has come up with a story that clearly illustrates the dire conditions that non-Muslims suffer in Pakistan. In this case it relates to the discrimination that some Pakistani Christians face when accessing healthcare in Pakistan in an environment where Moslem Pakistanis are socially and religiously conditioned to see those from non-Islamic cultures as less than fully human.

Persecution magazine said:

When Yousaf Masih Gill first met with the doctor assigned to care for his gravely ill father at Civil Hospital of Sahiwal in Punjab, Pakistan, he found the physician’s words chilling.

The doctor, a Muslim, expressed regret for having to care for the elderly man.

If I had known earlier that you are a Christian, I would not have touched your father,” the physician reportedly told Gill on Tuesday.

The statement wasn’t the only thing that concerned Gill and his family. While in the hospital, Gill’s father needed urgent medical attention. He and his family searched for the doctor, eventually finding him in the physician’s room. There, he and other physicians were playing a game. Gill pleaded with his father’s doctor to check on his father. 

We are playing,” the doctor said. “We will check on him later.” 

The physician eventually told the family he would not perform the critical surgery the father needed. Gill’s brother, Babu Nadeem, a Catholic catechist, responded by staging a protest outside the hospital with dozens of people. 

Nadeem said his father was struggling with immense pain and was near death. The doctors at Civil Hospital only responded with prejudice and disdain, going against their sacred responsibilities as ethical physicians to care for anyone in need. 

We have witnessed very disappointing behavior of our doctors just because we are Christians,” Nadeem said. “This is absolutely not acceptable. I ask all of you to join us and raise your voices against this unsatisfactory behavior of doctors so that they do not dare to treat others as badly as we are doing. My father’s operation is on hold, but we will continue to protest until our voices are heard and we are treated fairly.” 

Following the protest, Civil Hospital’s medical officer visited the family and apologized for the treatment they had received. He reportedly told the family the father would have the surgery he needed.  

As Persecution magazine pointed out this sort of behaviour towards non-Moslems is not an anomaly in Pakistan. Christians are treated as second class citizens or worse on a regular basis. It’s unsurprising really that this happens because Islamic supremacism is baked into Pakistani society and culture and has been so since the nation first became independent of Britain in 1947. If Pakistan could dial back on this religious supremacism and treat every citizen as an equal then the country might be able to climb out of the mire that it is in and not be the shithole that it truly is and which their form of Islam has created.

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