Well done, you Germans.


Now that’s not a phrase I ever envisaged myself saying, for a whole host of reasons*. However it needs to be said. This is because the Germans seem to be much more serious about dealing with the, often imported, problem of Islamic Jew hatred than the government of the United Kingdom appears to be.

The German government has decided that those who have migrated to Germany and who shout out or otherwise use the genocidal phrase ‘from the river to the sea’ will not be given German citizenship. Germany has reduced the amount of time that foreigners have to wait in order to get German citizenship from eight to five years but has considerably toughened up the standards that migrants have to keep to, in order to qualify for German citizenship.

This new barrier to Islamist wrong’uns gaining German citizenship is in addition to new questions for applicants for German citizenship about the applicants’ views on the subject of Jews.

The Jerusalem Post commenting on this story and in particular the new migrant viewpoint questions said:

In March, it was reported that Germany’s citizenship test would now include questions on the Holocaust, Judaism, and Israel to filter out people with antisemitic views, according to a report by Der Spiegel.

If you don’t share our values, you can’t get a German passport. We have drawn a crystal clear red line here,” Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told the German news outlet.

There’s no faffing about with these Germans, they have at least identified one of their nation’s problems, that of Jew-hating Muslims settling in Germany and they are doing something about it. It remains to be seen whether these new policies will be effective, as it is highly likely that applicants for citizenship will lie in order to get it. However such lies may, if or when they are uncovered, end up resulting in the migrant having their citizenship removed and the migrant deported. The new policies of the German government might well work to get a handle on Gemany’s Islamonazi problems but the key point will be the enforcement of it. Without draconian enforcement, these new policies will fail.

But, there is increasing evidence that the Germans are taking the Islamonazi problem seriously. The police are arresting and charging people for genocidal chants aimed at Jews and, if you are a regular on social media, you will probably have seen one of the many videos of German police kicking the living daylights out of Islamonazis at their pro-’Palestine’ demonstrations. The Jerusalem Post added:

In August, a protester who chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” at a Berlin rally was fined €600 by a German court.

I applaud the Germans and their government for the stances they’ve taken on Islamonazism. The modus operandi of the German government, both at the national and regional levels, against the Islamonazis is very heartening. It’s looking as if there are at least some elements in the German government and in its administrative sphere that recognise both the nature and scale of the threat that Germany and the wider West face.

This is in stark contrast to the situation in the United Kingdom, where there has been very little in the way of police and state pushback against Britain’s Islamonazis. These Islamonazis have been given free rein by the British state to put on their hate marches and the participants of these marches have behaved in such a manner, for example with the credible incitement of violence, that go far beyond any reasonable definition of free speech. Few of the Islamist and far left inciters of violence have been swiftly dealt with by the authorities and in some cases police forces, such as London’s Metropolitan Police, have had to be begged by the public to detain people for obvious crimes, such as support for Hamas. In only a few cases have forces like the Met acted on these crimes and even that has taken a lot of public pressure via social media to get the Met to act. Most of the time, forces like the Met that would swiftly intervene with batons and boots should someone say ‘Allah, Allah who the fuck is Allah’ see nothing, hear nothing and do nothing when Swastikas and genocidal chants are being made on London’s streets, provided of course that the chants and the Swastikas are being paraded by Muslim radicals and Leftists. If you ever want an example of two tier policing, then you only have to look at how the Met Police manage public order situations for a prime example.

The German government is also doing better than the United Kingdom in the matter of countering Islamonazi organisations and individuals. The German government has no hesitation in going after dangerous Islamonazi groups. The German security services and police have raided mosques associated with supporters of Hamas and shut them down and shut down the organisations behind them. Again this is in significant contrast to the United Kingdom, where it is almost unimaginable that the police or the security services would do anything to stop Islamic preachers calling for the murder of Jews and others, or when these preachers incite open hostility to the British people and the British nation. The actions of the German police in raiding dangerous mosques and the premises of Islamist and Islamic organisations and individuals, is the equivalent of the Metropolitan Police and MI5 paying a forceful visit to the extremist linked East London Mosque. If these raids, which are necessary in my view for national security, can take place in Germany, why on earth can they not take place in Britain? If Islamonazis can be arrested and convicted in Germany for calling for the mass murder of Jews, then why cannot our police forces such as the Metropolitan Police do the same to Britain’s Islamonazis?

The Germans seem to be doing far better than the UK in countering Islamonazism. Many German politicians are at least recognising that the period of what could be called the ‘Merkelreich’ has left Germany with a significant ‘enemy within’ problem and they are trying to tackle it. It is extremely worrying that Britain, which has suffered from acts of Islamonazi aggression and violence, is not making a fraction of the necessary effort that Germany is using to deal with this problem.






*Including the bastard Luftwaffe bombing the roof off of my grandmother’s cafe. Where’s my reparations then, can’t think David Lammy is interested in promoting that cause LOL

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