The Chief Rat is dead.

Yayah Sinwar. Goodbye and good riddance.


Yayah Sinwar, the big boss of the Hamas terrorist organisation and the driving force behind the 7/10 Pogrom in Southern Israel is finally dead and his death has been confirmed by the Israeli Defence Forces. Sinwar died having been seemingly abandoned by his security detail when the wrecked building he was hiding in was attacked by Israeli troops after the Israelis had ascertained that the occupant of the building was a hostile.

At first the Israelis didn’t even realise that the hostile savage that they had killed was indeed Sinwar, that fact was only confirmed after post mortem testing of Sinwar’s body. The news of the death of Sinwar elicited celebrations among those of us who want to see the Islamic terror groups that poison the Middle East and the wider world destroyed; though there was grief and anger from the many anti-West leftists and the Islamic extremists whom they inexplicably cleave to. On Shabbat in our household we cracked open the bubbly and toasted the work of the Israeli Defence Forces for bringing to justice this complete and utter monster. However in London and elsewhere in the UK misguided Communist students, cynical manipulative Trots and the Islamists whom Britain should never have tolerated, turned out to show their support for Sinwar and for Hamas, caring not that showing support for Hamas is a criminal offence in the United Kingdom (not that Islamist infested police forces such as the Met would be too keen on enforcing that law).

Sinwar was a disgusting animal who didn’t just murder Jews but one who violently oppressed his own people as well. Sinwar thought nothing about killing the opponents of Hamas in Gaza or Gazans whom he suspected of being too friendly to Israel. Not for nothing was Sinwar known as the ‘Butcher of Khan Younis’ and he got that nickname because this brutal Islamic savage ruled the Gazans with extreme savagery.

Sinwar is also the architect of the destruction of Gaza. The war that he started on 7/10 brought upon Gaza the righteous wrath of the Israelis and although the response to 7/10 by the Israelis is in my view fully morally and militarily justified, I can’t ignore the fact that Sinwar’s war has brought great death and suffering to the residents of Gaza. But Sinwar for a whole year was sheltered from that war. This was because from the very beginning of the war he was hiding in one of the extensive terror tunnels that Hamas had built, leaving his people to suffer above ground from the war that he started.

Sinwar’s death unlocks the gates of victory for the Israelis over Hamas. There are reports out there claiming that following Sinwar’s death there have been hundreds of Hamas fighters who are seeing the writing on the wall and are surrendering to Israeli forces. If these stories are correct, then it might be a sign that the conflict in Gaza is reaching its concluding stages and that the command and discipline structures of Hamas are in some parts of Gaza completely breaking down. Fanatics whether they be Islamist, Fascist, National Socialist or Communist, don’t meekly surrender like this unless they have completely run out of options and they are too disheartened to fight. I believe the death of Sinwar will not immediately end the war, after all World War II in Europe didn’t immediately end with the suicide of Hitler, but with the recognition by the Nazi military that the Germans had lost everything, including the ability to fight and that the time had come to surrender.

I predict a slow burn capitulation of Hamas. What I believe will happen is that the upper levels of what is left of the Hamas leadership will continue to issue bellicose statements about Israel whilst the lower levels of Hamas fighters will give up and surrender. These lower level fighters might probably at this very time be starting to take the view that it’s better to be in an Israeli prison than dying for leaders who’ve abandoned them or who have no idea of the realities of the battlefield.

Sinwar started this war but for a year lived isolated from its consequences in bunkers and tunnels whilst his own people suffered greatly and it was only when the military situation forced Sinwar above ground that he was eventually killed. He was not a ‘resistance hero’ as the Left and the Islamists say he was, instead he was a coward who lived in a bunker in relative safety and luxury, whilst the people he’d sent to war and who he’d convinced would win against Israel, died and saw their families suffer.

In another parallel between Sinwar and previous monsters of other conflicts Sinwar died alone, in pain, in terror and impotent to avoid his fate just like it was at the end of the WWII war criminal Dr Mengele. Mengele died alone whilst swimming after suffering a stroke which caused his drowning and some say that the Eternal One got Mengele before the Israelis did. This man who inflicted so much pain ended his life in pain that nothing and nobody could alleviate. Sinwar, this monster who controlled thousands of other monsters died alone, abandoned by everyone, sitting on a shitty armchair in a bombed out building impotently waving a stick at an Israeli drone that examined the building prior to it being attacked by the Israelis.

If or rather when Gaza finally falls to the Israelis, then it will not be the end of the conflict, remember Israel faces other fanatic Islamist terror groups to the North, East and from the far south in Yemen, but it is the end of this phase of the war. This was a war that Israel really didn’t want but the Islamists of Hamas brought that war anyway and those who started it have paid the price for doing so. Sinwar is dead and that can be celebrated but that doesn’t mean that either Israel or the wider West should consider the current war over and done with. Israel directly faces other enemies just as savage and as hateful as Hamas were. We in the West in general are also going to be a part of that war, as the Islamic extremists that Western nations have imported in their hundreds of thousands take this war via terrorism into Western lands. The war will only truly be won when the regime in Iran which funds groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Yemeni Houtis are gone and when the governments of Western nations recognise and deal with their Islamic extremism problems. The dove of peace can descend on both Israel and the wider world but that peace can only be achieved by the military elimination of the Islamic groups and when the Islamic regimes such as those that currently run countries like Iran that fund them are consigned to the history books.

1 Comment on "The Chief Rat is dead."

  1. l certainly agree his death is a cause for celebration but part of me is disappointed his demise wasn’t even more painful and of much longer duration.
    Very rare for me to wish such ill on anyone but for Sinwar I make an exception (and hope there is a hell)

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