Yet again I ask the question: Why was this bastard here in the first place?


The British people have had the misfortune to have been ruled over by governments that do not care for the safety of the people. This is not an accusation that can only be aimed at the current government, but to all governments going back to at least the mid 1990’s. It started with the government of John Major tolerating jihadists in the UK provided that they didn’t carry out terror attacks in the UK, to today’s sorry situation where sub standard imports have committed rape, terror and murder on seemingly daily basis. Ever since then Britain has been subjected to an influx of low IQ violent thugs from countries that produce little more than low IQ violent thugs.

The last few decades have been ones where foreigners from hell holes that know little of civilisation or justice or kindness or charity, have been let loose on Britain’s towns, cities and even small villages by governments that don’t care what impact these violent foreigners have on British people. Governments instead worry about how the government and its members will be seen in elite circles. We the people suffer in order that our political classes can virtue signal to their own class both in the UK and overseas about how generous Britain is to ‘refugees’. In addition we can’t turn away violent Muslim radicals because of asylum and refugee rules and we can’t remove either these radicals nor other imported criminals and wrong’uns because of the human rights and statelessness conventions that generations of British politicians have signed the nation up to. In other words the nation and its people suffer appalling abuses from the political classes’ dangerous imported pets merely to make that political class feel good.

Whilst recognising that not all migration is harmful and that high quality migrants, of all races and faiths it needs to be said, can be a boon to a society built on trade and industry, we should not be opening the doors of the country to the sort of low end garbage migration that is turning our towns and cities into violent charnal houses. But the political classes have opened the floodgates and a tsunami of wrong’uns has entered the country and been dumped on unsuspecting British communities, where they bring nothing but terror and grief.

Now of course not every migrant is a criminal and even previously civilised countries like the United Kingdom has produced its own home grown monsters, such as the Moors Murderers, the Yorkshire Ripper and the Scottish serial killer Peter Manuel but that is no excuse to go out and import even more monsters to inflict on long suffering Britons.

The desire of the political class to virtue signal about how compassionate they are to ‘refugees’ and other unwanted foreigners has brought rape, murder and civil disorder to a nation that just 50 years ago was considerably more peaceful than it is today. Yes, back then we had civil and industrial strife, an IRA bombing campaign and a collapsing economy, but at least we didn’t have the sort of imported monsters who would orally rape an intoxicated woman to death which is what the most recent case of imported trouble has done.

There are some cases that are so bad that they make you sit up and say ‘what on earth’ so depraved are they and such is the case of Mohammed Noor Lidow. This particular Mohammed (why are so many of these type of beasts called ‘Mohammed’?) chanced upon 37 year old Natalie Shotter, a woman who was intoxicated and lying on a park bench and rather than do what any decent man would do which would be to try to help her, instead he orally raped her with such ferocity that Ms Shotter died. What should gall people and make them even more angry is that if Lidow or his family had never been allowed to set foot in the UK, then Ms Shotter might still be alive today. We can add Ms Shotter’s name to the lengthening list of Britons who have been harmed by a migrant or a minority group member who the UK’s political class has spend decades importing and pandering to.

The Daily Mail said:

A vile predator who killed an NHS worker by repeatedly orally raping her as she lay unconscious on a park bench was today convicted of manslaughter.  

Jurors at the Old Bailey wept as they were shown horrifying footage of the vile attack carried out by 35-year-old Mohamed Noor Iidow.

Lidow had been prowling Southall Park in west London looking for women to assault when he found mother-of-three Natalie Shotter, 37, lying on a bench.

This Mohammed (there’s that name again and yet again mentioned in connection to yet another bestial sex attack) didn’t commit this offence on the spur of the moment or whilst the balance of his mind was disturbed, he went out with the intent of sexually attacking women. He is a beast who had chosen to be a beast, not an otherwise decent person who grossly erred.

The more I read of this Islamic beast the more my stomach churns.

The Daily Mail continued:

The fiend overstimulated the nerves at the back of her throat in the horrific attack on July 17, 2021 and caused her to have a cardiac arrest. 

Ms Shotter, who was a little more than five foot tall and weighed just 95lb, lay dead for hours before finally being found by a passer-by.  

This particular Mohammed, whose picture gives me the distinct impression that he is a Somali (an Islamic culture where the average IQ is just 69 or 11 less than the average IQ in the terror statelet of ‘Palestine’), didn’t care whether Ms Shotter came to harm, he only cared about his own twisted desires. This savage was also probably stuffed full of the sort of ‘culture’ that has made large parts of the Islamic world dreadful shitholes of violence, misogyny and death.

Ms Shotter, an NHS worker had done nothing to attract the attentions of this particular Mohammed beast apart from being vulnerable and intoxicated and in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was a woman who had contributed to British society, was a mother and a much loved and missed daughter. She didn’t deserve to lose her life at the hands of this worthless savage.

Everything about this case disgusts me and being a former court reporter who has sat in on the trials of those who have committed the most heinous crimes, that should say a lot. Even his defence which his counsel put to the jury in court is disgusting. Mohammed tried to claim that Ms Shotter was dead already when he assaulted her, which turned out not to be the case. Let’s just think about this defence for a moment. Not even the fact that he believed that Ms Shotter was already dead stopped this beastly savage from assaulting her, such was the strength of the desire of this Mohammedan savage to rape and abuse women.

Why was this bastard in the UK in the first place? After all he brought no value to either Britain’s economy or the nation’s society and culture. Unless he was completely illegally here and totally under the radar then someone in authority signed off the entry papers for either his or his family’s entry into the UK, someone must have spoken up for him to get him to stay here, someone must have created the political culture that wrongfully thought that this beast could be civilised and deserved to be in the UK. Ms Shotter’s terrible death was both directly and indirectly the fault of the political classes who let this Mohammed into the UK and who supported and pandered to him for reasons of virtue signalling to those who want people like this Mohammed here but who rarely if ever have to live with the consequences of his presence in the UK.

Ms Shotter is not the first nor will be the last Briton to be killed or abused or traumatised by people who should never have been allowed to set foot in the United Kingdom. Sadly this is a situation that will continue, until Britons vote for those who will deal effectively with the imported problems that previous politicians and parties have either studiously ignored or have, even worse, actively encouraged.





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