Saw this heartbreaking story on the X account of someone called Sal Robins. It tells the terrible story of how a stupid ideological decision by a local council and the council’s failure to admit that they were wrong, can utterly destroy a well established and happy British community.
What’s horrible about this particular story is that it is unlikely to be singular in nature. There’s probably a whole host of councils who are imposing societies drek on the people who don’t want them, don’t need them and truly don’t deserve them. Councils across the UK are pulling idiotic and counterproductive stunts like this not just with ASBO wallahs as in this case, but also thieving junkies, out of control mental cases, ‘problem families’ and individuals from that ever increasing number of dinghy rapists and similar scum allowed in by the national government.
Please excuse the formatting of the quoted article from X but I do not wish to change it to read and look better in case my editing detracts from Ms Robins’s powerful and sadly true words.
Ms Robins said:
My working class parents bought their council house in 1981 & spent years refurbing it & making it their own. They were few years shy of paying off their mortgage when they moved an ASBO family into their quiet street in a village that had rarely 2/
Within a few weeks the trouble began of the new family moving in from 3/
Within a few weeks of them moving an ASBO family from the city to my parents’ quiet village, the trouble began.
First the thefts began.
Bikes, tools, items from inside cars, stuff left out on the front or back garden. Then a 4/
Police came. Crime reference numbers given out. Insurance claims made for those who had it. Otherwise not much else could be done. They KNEW who it was but after paying them a visit could find no evidence.
So, the villagers 5/
Then there was the noise. Loud music into 6/
Then came the violence. 8/
They were wrong.
My parents quiet village street was turned into a battle ground between rival drug 10/
My father’s health declined. He took early retirement. He had to take sedatives to sleep. My mother was on medication for anxiety. They could 13/
My parents moved on & my Dad’s health improved, but they grieved the loss of the home they’d worked so hard for & raised their children in, & for the wonderful community they lost.
All these years later my Dad 16/
There are different ASBO families there now & the street I grew up in is a slum that decent, law abiding people won’t walk through let alone live in if they’re given a choice. The 17/
Was it some sort of social experiment?
Who knows? 18/
They’re not racists. They’re not haters.
They’re not N@zis.
They are just people who feel like they’re losing everything, including their sanity. 20/
All they want is to be listened to & taken seriously.
No one listened to my parents & their friends so they moved or died.
I think governments really must start listening & acting soon, or there’s going to be serious trouble ahead because 21/
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