The Government has seemingly lied to us. Again.


Britain has become awfully used to Islamic violence and aggression. We’ve had years of it. Just over one hundred Britons have been murdered by Islamic savagery since the turn of the century. We have at least 39000 Islamist extremists on Security Service and police watch lists according to various press reports and these security forces have intervened to stop many more attacks from happening. These figures do not include those Britons murdered, injured or kidnapped by Islamists outside of the UK in attacks ranging from the attacks in the USA of September 11th 2001 to the attack by Hamas Jihadists on Southern Israel on October 7th 2023. If you added in these numbers of Britons killed outside of the UK then the total would be much higher.

The response from the government along with left and Islamic leaning NGOs and the mainstream media following these murderous attacks and the deaths of Britons on British soil has been to play down the Islamic motivation that is clearly and obviously behind these attacks. After nearly every attack since 2005 we’ve had exhortations to the public from these entities to believe that ‘Islam is a religion of peace’. The aftermath of the London Bridge I attack there were suspiciously well timed displays of public grief from those minority of Islamic groups who are genuinely peaceful which seemed to be designed to give the general public the impression that all Islam is like that practised by the peaceable Ahmediyya and smaller Ismaili sects, which in reality it is not.

Following the various slaughters of our fellow British citizens there are also, as we saw following the Manchester Arena attack, well organised public events put together by the government and NGOs where Britons are told to forget their anger at the murderous savagery that we’ve imported and to look forward and not back. If there is one thing that is consistent about British governments with regards to the threats posed by radical Islam it is ignoring the jihadi Elephant in the room and ignoring the public’s concerns about said Elephant.

There’s massive amounts of gaslighting of the public that also occurs with monotonous regularity following an Islamic attack or the suspicion of one. We get told that the attack ‘was not Islam’ when we damned well know that was the motivation behind a particular attack. Then we have the DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) type activities, often carried out by Islamic apologists where the spurious claims of Islamic victimhood get aired and where a narrative that it is Muslims who are the true victims is promoted. This is probably done in order to give the public the impression that the problem isn’t murderous Muslims taking it into their heads to kill Britons, but instead it’s ‘Islamophobia’. The problem is that this is often not the case and the ‘Islamophobic reaction’ either doesn’t exist to any significant extent or is merely the non-violent expressions of disgust at an ideology that produces too many people who want to murder others for their faith. Probably the worst example of this sort of false victimhood claiming came after the Jihad murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, South East London in May 2013. Shortly after the murder the ‘Islamophobia’ monitors Tell Mama, claimed in the media that there had been a ‘massive rise in Islamophobic attacks on Muslims’ following the Rigby killing. The reality which later emerged was that Tell Mama was being economical with the truth and that there were a tiny number of physical incidents but a lot of negative comment about Islam online. Tell Mama had dishonestly conflated people saying nasty, but sadly often true, things about Islam with physical attacks.

Our government and those who serve them have consistently lied to Britons about the problems that have been brought to the nation by the ideology of Islam. Successive governments have denied the existence of horrific social problems where there is Islamic involvement such as the Islamic Rape Gang scandal and only acted or have given the impression of action to counter this problem, when it could no longer be ignored, excused, denied or hidden. It’s the same with extremism. Whilst I along with many others understand that the vast majority of Britain’s Muslims are what I would call the non-problematic ‘Joe Mohammed-from-down-the-tyre-shop’ type of Muslim. This type of Muslim is one who hates the violent extremists as much as the rest of us and has as much connection to Islam the belief system as a bacon eating person of Jewish heritage has to Judaism the faith, but we shouldn’t think that the Joe Mohammeds are the entirety of of Islam in Britain. They are not.

Although, according to the Commission for Countering Extremism British Muslims are almost as concerned about religious extremism and the problems of jihad as the rest of the population, there’s still a substantial number of other Muslims in Britain who we can’t ignore the problem of how Britain’s Islamic community is producing violent extremists with all the regularity that a person with dysentery would visit the toilet. It is this side of Islam, the side of the hate filled extremists and the massive problems that they represent, that British governments and the administrative elite lie to us about. They lie about this type of Islam as being less mainstream in British Muslim communities than it really might be and they lie about the extent of overt anti-British, anti-Christian and anti-Jewish activities that go on with either the tacit or overt acceptance of large numbers of British Muslims.

Now it seems we have been lied to again by the Government over the issue of Islam and Islamism. Back in July Britons were horrified by a violent attack in Southport on Merseyside which resulted in the deaths of three little girls and the injury of nearly a dozen others, many of them children, who had been attending a Taylor Swift themed dance class. Shortly after the murders a 17 year old man was arrested and charged with the murders.

There was of course speculation by the public about the motivation for the offender in this terrible senseless case, due to the horrific nature of the murder of three girls aged between six and nine and the mass injury of others. Something must have made this bastard do such a terrible thing. After all every crime, not matter what it is has a motivation, be it greed, jealousy, lust or fear or it can even be merely an individuals complete insanity.

One of the speculations that were going around was that this terrible, nation shocking crime was motivated by the ideology of Islam. This is a reasonable line of speculation bearing in mind that Britain has experienced Islamic Jihadists mass murdering children at entertainment venues such as the Manchester Arena attack in 2017.

The immediate response of the authorities including Merseyside Police was to state that the Southport atrocity was not a terror attack. The suspect, who was quickly charged with the murders wasn’t even named at first as he was at the time just under 18 and therefore was legally unable to be named. The lack of identity provision by the police fuelled even more speculation as to the identity of the accused and it was to prevent speculation that a Crown Court judged lifted the identification ban.

Prior to the revelation of the name of the accused there were all sorts of wrong names being circulated around. It was a carnival of wrong names from who knows where and put out there for who knows what motivation.

The Southport Atrocity was also the final straw for many in working class communities, the areas that have borne the brunt of the negative effects of migration and asylum policies, coming as it did after a whole host of ‘enrichment’ related violent incidents had gripped the nation’s attention. Incidents such as the murder of an elderly man in Hartlepool by a Muslim who said he ‘did it for Gaza’, the attempted murder by stabbing of an Army officer in Kent by a man alleged to be an import, gangs of minorities fighting with machetes on the streets of Southend in Essex. Anger was also compounded by what looked to many like blatant incidents of two tier policing such as the Manchester Airport incident where the Muslim men who are the alleged assailants of a woman police officer have not yet been charged and the softly softly way that police managed a Roma inspired riot in Leeds. There was significant public disturbances following the Southport atrocity which resulted in the imprisonment of those with even minor involvement in them for significant periods of time. (FYI I write in more depth about these disturbances and the run up to them in THIS piece.)

When it was revealed that the accused was a young man of Rwandan heritage called Axel Muganwa Rudakubana the government and the mainstream media went big on the man’s Christian heritage. There were still denials at this time from police and politicians that this atrocity was anything to do with Islam. The State even went so far as to imprison people for making the suggestion that the Southport atrocity as linked to Islam or that the accused was a Muslim. People like Wayne O’Rourke and others got immediate custodian sentences greater than many burglars or muggers would get. In Mr O’Rourke’s case he got three years for ‘misinformation’ as the courts decided that his ‘inaccurate’ information had contributed to the street disturbances.

But it has turned out that the sort of information put out there by Mr O’Rourke and others might not be that inaccurate after all. This is because in the last few days the Crown Prosecution Service and Merseyside Police have announced that they are bringing additional charges against Rudakubana relating to the manufacture of the toxin Ricin and possession of document that allegedly contained elements an Al Qaida training manual. It seems that this case and the defendant might have a more close connection to Islam than the politicians and the media told us they did although we will find out the full extent of that link when Rudakubana’s Crown Court trial starts in January 2025.

Maybe all those people who the State slandered as ‘far right’ and all those people who were targeted by the police for arrest and who now languish in Britain’s gaols for mere words, were correct in their assumption that there was an Islam link to this case?

There is a strong suggestion with regards both the news of the new charges against Rudakubana and the timing of them, that the Government and by extension the mainstream media has lied to us about aspects of the Southport atrocity. This new revelation certainly throws up a whole load of questions.

Why for example has there been such a delay in bringing these extra charges? Unless Rudakubana is some sort of tech genius then surely any data that he had hidden on his devices or cloud services that they were connected to could have been analysed much earlier than this? This is not the sort of low profile case where devices can sit on police station shelves for months before being forensically examined, I would imagine that in cases of multiple murder checking the suspect’s devices is going to be a top priority.

What did the police know or suspect about the motivations for this attack. Did they say that this was not terrorism related whilst having good reasons to know that it could have been? Why the delay in these additional terrorist charges? Charlie Peters of GB News believes that it should be possible to have answers to the timeline of this case without prejudicing a trial and he has a point in my view but it would be difficult to do this because of the severe and all encompassing Sub Judice rules which forbid any discussion of an ongoing case.

What is right to discuss is what the politicians knew and when.

Did the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary know of the terrorism aspect to this case weeks and weeks before this announcement by the CPS? Whilst Sub Judice goes a long way to explain why politicians don’t speak up about active criminal investigations this still leaves open the question why this case was not recognised as a terrorism adjacent one earlier on?

Did Starmer and Cooper the PM and Home Secretary have the gall to go and lay wreaths at Southport, standing in front of the families and friends of those who were brutally murdered and maimed, knowing that this case might be much more what than the narrative at the time was saying?

Did Starmer know about the other more recently released information about this case when he went on the rampage using the police and the courts as his tools against the ‘far right’ a threat that turned out to be almost completely non-existent?

Did the Government know that those who were gaoled for saying ‘this is Islam this is’ in connection to the Southport Atrocity, might have been at least partially correct? If this is the case then we have a major problem of Britons who have been imprisoned unjustly.

Did the Government know that there was an alleged Islamic aspect to this case when they were dishing out public money mosques ‘for their protection’?

Even though much of the silence of the politicians in this case can be attributed to the severe rules of Sub Judice and that the assessment of terrorist motivation of the alleged offender might initially be difficult, it’s difficult to shake the feeling that there’s stuff the politicians said that they shouldn’t have said, such as the diversionary bollocks about the ‘far right’ and stuff that they should have been more honest about such as the suspicions that this was not merely a set of deaths caused by a random nutter.

Who are the government protecting with their evasions when evasion shouldn’t be necessary, because it certainly doesn’t seem to be a policy that enhances the safety and security of the British people. I said after the Southport Atrocity in the piece that I have linked to above that this crime was so bad and came at a time when there were other violent incidents possibly involving the imported enrichment, that the usual policies of getting the public to sing along with ‘Don’t look back in anger’ or to regale them with soporific bullshit slogans such as ‘remember Islam is a religion of peace’ after an Islamic attack, wouldn’t work as well any more. Well I was correct about that. Few people seemed to buy into that idea after Southport which makes me wonder: Have the government given up with these sort of ‘nudge’ tactics after Southport and have instead decided to openly lie to the public about any Islamic connections to attacks? It certainly looks as if that could be happening because I see no other reason to hide from the public terror charges for so long when such charges could have been brought and publicised earlier.

As I said earlier in this piece, we’ve been lied to before following Islamic attacks. We’ve been told that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’ when in large parts of the world it is clearly no such thing, we’ve been given the bread and circuses of the great and the good talking about how such violence is ‘not Islam’ and encouraged to not be angry about an ideology that produces far too many people who want us dead or enslaved. If they will do all that then it’s just a smaller extra step to just dishonestly deny outright that attacker X has any connection at all to the ideology of Islam. It will be interesting to see how this government handles the next jihad attack on Britons, yes there will be one of that I have little doubt. Will they be honest with the public following such an attack or will they be as seemingly dishonest as they have been over the alleged Islamic connections with the Southport Atrocity?


2 Comments on "The Government has seemingly lied to us. Again."

  1. 👍

  2. Islam is NOT a religion of peace, it is a religion of Jihadi violence against all non-Muslims until the whole world is under Islamic domination.
    Which is also NOT to say that there aren’t peaceful Muslims, but – as F211 notes – these are either minority sects or else those Muslims who have “as much connection to Islam the belief system as a bacon eating person of Jewish heritage has to Judaism the faith”. The sad part about this is if “Mo down the tyre shop” suddenly gets religion (in the form of Islam) then he becomes “Mo the Jihadist”.
    Neither do I entirely believe the numbers of Muslims who claim to be as worried about Islamic terrorism as the rest of use and there are several reasons for this, including:
    1. the well known fact of taqqiya – or lying to advance the cause of Islam.
    2. the fact that Muslims are still a minority and so they have an understandable fear of what might happen if the majority really gets pissed off with them, especially given how minorities are universally persecuted in Muslim-majority Countries.
    3. Those moderate Muslims who do attend Friday prayers must see and hear the extremist, anti-Semitic and “Kuffarophobic” outpourings that so often come from mosque pulpits. The moderate Muslims are supposed to be the majority, so why can they not wrest control of the mosques from the ‘extremists’ – i.e. orthodox Muslims? One reason could be that the moderates also know that the ‘extremist’ versions of Islam are the “real deal”, so they can’t oppose them without proving themselves hypocrites (munafiqoon) and thus “bad Muslims”.
    4. Is it unreasonable to assume that the teachings of the mosques in the UK reflect the beliefs of the Muslims of the UK? If that is a reasonable assumption, then orthodox Islam is, in reality, stronger in this Country than many believe and we are being subjected to disinformation from Muslims (see 1 above).
    5. Borrowed from another context entirely: “Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they.”

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