Alleged Hamas supporting British police officer. Sadly I doubt that this is a one off wrong’un.


When an organisation whether that be a commercial or a public sector organisation such as a police force, hires someone and hires for any other reason apart from merit, such as on grounds of skin colour, belief system or sex, then that organisation is inviting failure and future problems. This is because as, Margaret Thatcher once said, once you stop recruiting on grounds of talent and skills then you are hiring for much worse reasons.

Those who are hired because of their characteristics such as race, sex, sexuality or religion when there is clearly no logical reason on Earth to do so and who are recruited by those who follow the new secular religion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), too often show themselves to be unsuited for the job that they’ve been hired for. Such employees might underperform against those who have been hired on merit and much worse may use their position in an organisation to promote divisive or even terroristic ideologies.

Gloucester police looks like the latest organisation that could be the victim of hiring using DEI criteria instead of competence and skills. This is likely because they have hired a person to be a police officer who has ended up being recently arrested after being accused for making online posts that are supportive of the genocidal bastards of Hamas.

Obviously I cannot comment much on this arrest as it is a live case and the case is now Sub Judice and I would not want to prejudice any potential future trial, but here is the Gloucester Live’s story on the arrest.

A Gloucestershire Police officer has been arrested by the Counter Terrorism Policing South West on suspicion of a terrorism offence. The officer was taken to a police custody unit outside of Gloucestershire.

The 30-year-old officer was apprehended at a property in Gloucester under suspicion of providing support for Hamas, as per Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Specialist officers are conducting several searches related to this investigation, including a vehicle and a Gloucester address.

Gloucestershire Police Assistant Chief Constable Arman Mathieson said: “The arrest of a serving officer on suspicion of such a serious offence will no doubt cause our communities concern, as it does everyone who works for Gloucestershire Police.

“It’s important to note the suspected support relates to activity online and the searches taking place are predominately to locate digital devices for analysis. The arrest has been made to allow for a prompt and effective investigation to take place and we must not draw any conclusions at this stage.”

As is normal in British criminal cases these days there’s no name being given by Gloucestershire Police for the arrested man. This is most likely to be because there have not been charges brought at this stage. We’ll probably get a name when the detainee is charged and makes his first court appearance.

However this case does raise an important question. How many other Hamas supporters or supporters of other dangerous religious extremist organisations are there who have been employed by British police forces? It’s quite likely that there might be a fair few of them as many forces have been on an orgiastic quest to hire new officers on the grounds of skin colour or religion or sex or whether they are or are not transsexual. If vetting and recruiting standards have been lowered by these forces in order to attract potential officers who come from DEI approved or favoured groups then it’s likely that we will end up with officers who either can’t effectively do the task they were hired for at best or at the worst will have other motives for joining the police such as promoting their extreme religious or secular ideologies or standing in the way of terrorism or gang rape investigations.

Sadly I don’t think that this will be the last police officer in Britain who will be uncovered supporting bestial organisations like Hamas. I suspect that there are many many more police officers out there who by the nature of their beliefs and chosen ideologies or personal character, should never have been allowed anywhere near a police uniform.

2 Comments on "Alleged Hamas supporting British police officer. Sadly I doubt that this is a one off wrong’un."

  1. Sheikh Anvakh | November 13, 2024 at 5:24 pm |

    Time to correct the wording for D.E.I.

  2. Devision, indoctrination, exclusion has a more apt acronym – D. I. E

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