Trump lays it on the line for the savages of Hamas


My own view of how the Biden Administration of the United States has dealt with the situation in the Middle East is that they’ve been weak and equivocating in the face of serious threats that not only menace Israel but also the West and the United States as well. For whatever reason they’ve pretty weak on Iran and the Iranian Mullah’s desire for influence in the region. Iran is behind Hezbollah and to a lesser extent Hamas and in addition has given major support to the Houti Islamic extremists of Yemen. Maybe if Iran had been countered in a more muscular way by the US and by the nations of Europe, then the region might not be as convulsed as it is at present.

But thanks to the American voter, it’s looking as if there is going to be a change of plan for the US government. In a post on the TruthSocial platform the President-elect Donald Trump gave a warning to Hamas. Mr Trump told Hamas to release the hostages or there would be consequences.

Here’s what Mr Trump said:

Although it’s early days and Mr Trump is not yet in the White House it does indeed look as if there is a new Sheriff in town.


Please accept apologies. There was a transient problem between keyboard and chair and the screenshot was accidentally omitted when original post was made. F211

2 Comments on "Trump lays it on the line for the savages of Hamas"

  1. No image or link showing in my browser but from what I understand then Trump is likely to be much more effective than the Biden administration.
    As it is known many cultures around the world only respect strength and power why have we in the west recently been subjected to so many leaders who genuinely believe ‘being nice’ and ‘understanding’ will solve the problems?

  2. Shame he missed out “all” before “the hostages”. Don’t leave them any wriggle room.

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