Botox Chucky joins the ‘Jews stole my shoes’ crowd

'Botox Chucky' aka India Willoughby vomits more nonsense in to the public sphere.


There was a very amusing exchange on X recently between the appalling left wing Israel hater Owen Jones and the mentalist transgender advocate India Willoughby aka ‘Botox Chucky’ for what are for many obvious reasons.

Here it is:

Yup. You saw that right. Botox Chucky really did suggest that Owen Jones could be being poisoned by Israel. He either really is that demented or he’s looking for more engagement opportunities to promote his equally demented trans cult.

If Willoughby does indeed believe the ‘I bet the Jews did it’ crap regarding Jones’s stomach ailments then far will he go with this? Will we have to wait just a short time before he starts to moan that ‘the Jews have stole my shoes’ like the lunatic Muslim mentalcase Asghar Bukhari did a few years back?

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