Quote of the Day 08th January 2025. International politics is about to get very interesting


Whenever I see Dan Salt’s name appear on my social media timelines I know that I’m going to read something that even if I don’t completely agree with is at least going to stimulate a few thoughts. He’s an excellent writer and often completely nails the economic, social, communal and economic shitshow that Britain has descended into.

Like Mr Salt, I believe that the re-election of Mr Donald Trump as President of the United States is something that is more consequential than the average US Presidential election. Mr Trump is going to flex America’s muscles and say ‘sod you’ to the ‘international order’ so beloved by liberal leftists. Such muscle-flexing by a newly invigorated United States could bring great benefit to not just America but the West in general. It might push some European governments to take more responsibility for their own defence rather than meekly relying on the US military umbrella which in my view is a good thing because I want to see a West that can defend itself. It’s possible also, as Mr Salt points out that a muscular Trump led America might unseat the liberal elites in Europe who have given us bugger all apart from infinity migration, collapsing societies and net zero created energy impoverishment.

Whatever happens international politics and maybe the politics of individual nations is going to get very interesting indeed.

Mr Salt said:

The US has always used a fist when it wanted something enough – it’s just normally hidden in a velvet glove – Europe has traditionally accepted this as it has lived an easy life – we may have been forced to suck certain things up – however the same fist has also been used to defend us at the same time

What differs now is that Trump and co have no historical belief in a transatlantic obligation – they see a weak and getting weaker Europe – sabotaged by an elite obsessed by net zero who can’t see the world has moved on from the post war liberal world.

Bluntly and sadly the continent as a whole but especially the construct of the EU is seen as more a liability more than a help – the administration is not even bothering to play divide and rule – why would it when it knows it can demand and get.

Will Trump be able to translate geopolitical pressure into domestic political pressure in different countries – I suspect he will because there are growing chunks of people in Europe who are sick of their elites and their clapped out liberal worldview which is impoverishing them.

That’s where all the action will be – that interplay – vocal demands causing stress on out of touch European elites at a time when they are already under pressures at home – how to respond to both

From https://x.com/Danjsalt/status/1876744371493806278

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