The unspeakable in defence of the deeply unimpressive

Sir Keir Starmer. Britain's Prime Minister who is failing to protect British children.


There’s been a lot of fuss being made, quite rightly, about the multi-decade atrocity of Islamic Rape Gangs that operate in the United Kingdom. Having observed and occasionally written about this appalling story over the course of the last ten years and seen politicians mostly fail to get to grips with the key factors in these crimes, which is Islamic supremacist views of non-Muslims, I’m exceedingly pleased to see people like Elon Musk and others in the United States take an interest in this story.

American commentators are, because they are protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech, able to say stuff about these horrific crimes and the equally horrific perpetrators behind them, that Britons fear to say because they fear what the British state will do to them if they speak out. Those who have spoken out about the problems of Islamic Rape Gangs have often found themselves monstered by those who do not wish to rock the boat by having the issue discussed openly. Police officers who spoke up have been forced out of police forces or have left in frustration at the lack of action taken against Islamic Rape Gangs. Social workers who objected to the ‘do nothing say nothing’ attitude that local and national government took towards the gang rapists were told to ‘shut up’ or were accused of ‘racism’ and threatened with loss of career. Politicians, with a few notable exceptions such as Anne Cryer the former Labour MP, who did raise this issue, were ostracised by colleagues and warned not to rock the community cohesion boat.

As for the ordinary citizen who speaks up then they are basically on their own. They will get intimidated by police, intimidated by members of supporters of the rape gangs themselves, they will lose their jobs or their access to higher and further education, state agencies such as local Children’s Services will suddenly take an interest in how that person’s children are being brought up and occasionally people end up in prison for speaking out. Those who have a political or career interest in keeping the lid on the Islamic Rape Gang issue will go hell for leather to keep that lid on even if the person trying to lift the lid are themselves a victim of Islamic Rape Gangs.

The Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s response to the current revelations and comment on the problem of Islamic Rape Gangs has been not what we should have had. What we should have had from the Prime Minister is a public acknowledgment that the Islamic Rape Gang problem is one that has a fifty year history and that nearly all politicians from all the Westminster parties have failed to tackle it. There should have been an immediate condemnation of both the rape gangs and the ideology behind them and an announcement of a inquiry specifically into Islamic Rape Gangs separate from either the local inquiries into these gangs that have occurred and the national general inquiry into child sexual abuse and exploitation.

But we didn’t get that from Starmer. What we got was Starmer posing, in order to give himself some undeserved gravitas, in front of NHS staff like a tinpot dictator posing in front of a church of other culturally significant entity in order to link himself to their nation’s culture and belief system.

In the speech, at least from what I saw of it, Starmer seemed overly concerned with Elon Musk’s comments about the failure of Jess Phillips the Safeguarding Minister to agree to a specific inquiry into the enormous problems of Islamic Rape Gang activity in Oldham or Mr Musk’s comments about Sir Keir’s record when he was Director of Public Prosecutions. It seemed to me that this was a case of the unspeakably awful, Sir Keir Starmer, going out of his way to defend the deeply unimpressive Jess Phillips.

I really don’t trust Labour to properly investigate or tackle the problem of Islamic Rape Gangs and that’s because it’s Labour local authorities who are up to their necks in it. It’s Labour councillors, some who later became Members of Parliament, who have shied away from investigating these horrors. It’s Labour or otherwise left leaning council officers who ran the social work departments that did little to protect the girls and young women who were being abused and it is Labour who are significantly reliant on the sacks of Islamic postal votes that get Labour into office and keep them there. Labour are unlikely to bite the Islamic hand that feeds them.

Sir Keir Starmer’s absolute priority should have been to put the victims of these Islamic Rape Gangs first and foremost. His government should be doing their utmost to prevent these crimes from happening as protecting the citizen is the first duty of a government. He should have made it clear that he would ignore the screaming, whining and Taqiyya from Islamic organisations who don’t want these rape gangs properly investigated. But he hasn’t done that. Starmer has mentioned the Islamic Rape Gangs but he’s more concerned with the tone of the Islamic Rape Gang debate and people saying nasty things about Jess Phillips than he is the victims of Islamic Rape Gangs.

What this whole episode has revealed to many Britons is that Starmer, his Cabinet and his party have priorities. The problem is that these priorities are not the British people and certainly not the victims or potential victims of Islamic Rape Gangs.