It’s sadly now Austria’s turn for one of these ‘it’s not the Methodists’ attacks.


Residents of the southern Austrian city of Villach are the latest European community to have to suffer from the murderous attentions of imported religious violence. On Saturday 15th February a Syrian ‘refugee’ went on a random stabbing spree in the name of his deity killing one 14 year old boy and severely injuring at least five other people. The religion that this savage bastard was killing for was, of course not Methodism, but as usual the ideology of Islam.

This Syrian savage who murdered and injured innocent random civilians would never have been a problem for the Austrians or anyone else in Europe for that matter had Europe not opened its doors to such savages. This was yet another preventable tragedy which could have been avoided had European nations put the safety of their citizens ahead of virtue signalling about ‘refugees’.

The Independent reported this attack thus:

A small Austrian city is reeling after a suspected terror attack in which a knifeman killed a 14-year-old boy and injured five others in broad daylight.

A 23-year-old Syrian asylum seeker has been detained by police in connection with the attack. The suspect is thought to be an Islamist who was radicalised online, interior minister Gerhard Karner said on Sunday.

The attack is believed to have been carried out against random targets in the southern Austrian city of Villach. Residents of the city, which has around 60,000 residents, laid candle tributes as mourners tearfully paid their respects to the victims of the horror. Police spokesperson Rainer Dionisio told The Independent that authorities believe the attack had an Islamist motivation, and there may be a relationship with Islamic State.

So there you have it, a random Muslim in a random town killing and injuring random people in the name of the Islamic death cult’s deity, Allah. If this attack was a one off or a rare occurrence then it would be bad enough, but it’s part of a pattern of attacks where mentally disturbed or ideologically warped Muslims go out and kill people because they’ve grown up in environments where life is cheap and religious culture is extreme.

Every time one of these horrific and now all too prevalent attacks occur it further illustrates the paucity of evidence behind the ‘magic dirt’ theory that you can take a person from an uncivilised and violent culture and by their mere presence in Western lands, will suddenly become civilised themselves. Of course not every person who comes to the West from the lands of Islamic savagery are themselves inclined to savagery, but European nations have let in an awful lot of Muslims who are inclined to violence, hatred and religious extremism.

The problem facing the nations of Europe is that it is often quite difficult to tell which person from an Islamic heritage background or who is a refugee from a violent Islamic culture are genuinely committed to life in a free and open society and those who ultimately want to wreck European nations with Islam-inspired violence. What checking should be done on those who wish to enter Europe from societies where the morals and culture are the polar opposite to our own, needed to have been done prior to these ‘refugees’ entering places like Austria, Germany and the UK. Sadly this was not done and the borders of European nations were propped open for all, both the good and the bad, those who wish to integrate and those who merely want to bring jihad to Europe. Europe now has hundreds of thousands of people living in it who come from cultures with vastly different morals and cultural outlooks to that which has been created in Europe by European peoples. They’ve rarely been properly vetted prior to entry which means we have little in the way of solid information as to which one of these migrants will suddenly ‘go off’, sometimes literally and kinetically.

In the light of this and the numerous other attacks that have occurred in Europe and which have been perpetrated by those who have arrived in Europe from the Islamic world, European governments should start an investigation into who has come into Europe, their background and their beliefs. Those who are OK and are contributory and non-extreme should be allowed to stay in European countries, those who are a threat should be encouraged to leave. We as Europeans need to know who is here and what they believe and what their culture is. The governments that purport to represent us should be keeping us safe from those whom our idiotic political class has allowed to live amongst us. The problem is that at present they are clearly not doing that.







3 Comments on "It’s sadly now Austria’s turn for one of these ‘it’s not the Methodists’ attacks."

  1. Sheikh Anvakh | February 18, 2025 at 10:07 am |

    I can’t see why the Austrians are complaining, after all, unlike last time, it was they who have thrown open the Gates of Vienna to the religion of death. Besides, plenty of space for the invaders, vacated by the Jews killed. Enjoy the “diversity and inclusivity”. A cancer transplanted into the Austrian Aryan body politics.
    I have no sympathy, what did they really expect?
    Population replacement, God’s punishment.

  2. “…a pattern of attacks where mentally disturbed or ideologically warped Muslims go out and kill people…”
    mentally disturbed or ideologically warped – is there a difference between those?

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