A good news story. Iraqi bearded savage prematurely explodes, taking several other savages with him.
There is an old phrase that I heard growing up about divine punishment for wrongdoing which said: ‘God pays debts without money’ and there’s…
There is an old phrase that I heard growing up about divine punishment for wrongdoing which said: ‘God pays debts without money’ and there’s…
There were a number of demonstrations this past weekend that were put on either in whole or in part, to protest Islamic extremism and the…
The final numbers of dead and injured caused by Muslims worldwide over this Ramadan festival are in and it really is a humdinger this…
The response of the Prime Minister Theresa May to the vehicular attack on people in the vicinity of the terror-linked Finsbury Park mosque is…
When I saw the video embedded below, which came via the Milo Yiannopolous website, I was stunned by the way that the Polish member…
It’s a common cry from Islamic groups, such as the terror-linked Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) or the British group Tell Mama, that…
The Madrid Gay Pride festival is one of the biggest in the world attracting approximately two million people to take part in parades and…
It never fails to amaze me just how useless the dishonest ‘Islamophobia’ monitors Tell Mama are with fact checking, or even making sure that…
For the benefit of this blog’s many Polish readers and as it is a story that has a Polish angle, an electronic translation of…
Raheem Kassam of Breitbart London is often a writer who is well worth reading. However he’s turned out a piece on the plight of…