Picking out a ‘Neville’ of the year.
For ten of the last twelve months, this blog has had a ‘British Neville Chamberlain of the Month’ award. It has covered all…
For ten of the last twelve months, this blog has had a ‘British Neville Chamberlain of the Month’ award. It has covered all…
So Tell Mama have said that because of my sustained criticism of them and criticism of those police officers, police forces and other…
Yesterday I published an article exposing the actions of PC Gary Stack of West Midlands Police, who was one of those who brought the discredited…
The Daily Mail recently carried the story of two UK Muslims who worked for the Immigration and Nationality sections of the Home Office, but who…
With the possible exception of Antarctica, there is hardly any spot on earth that is unaffected in a negative way by Islam. Whether that be…
If the sort of attack that happened in Volgograd railway station earlier today had happened in the United Kingdom, would anyone really bet against someone…
I’ve had a go quite often at public servants who are inexplicably favourable to the ideology of Islam, even when it is quite self…
If anyone doubts the extreme lengths that Islamic groups will go to to restrict the dissemination of knowledge about violence and oppression in Islamic…
If I had a penny for every human tragedy, bigotry, misogyny, baseless hatred, violence and intolerance that manifests itself in the toilet bowl that is…
The victim-hood claimers of Tell Mama are crowing over a Guardian article stating that anti-Muslim crime has risen. However things may not be as good…