Birmingham college caves in to Islamic threats
The Birmingham Metropolitan College which hit the headlines when they banned face obscuring clothes for safety and security reasons appears to have caved into Islamic…
The Birmingham Metropolitan College which hit the headlines when they banned face obscuring clothes for safety and security reasons appears to have caved into Islamic…
The criticisms of local authority children’s services departments (see scan below) by Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education have shone a light into…
I couldn’t resist re posting this one that I saw on Trending Central. It is a fake ‘Kickstarter’ video appealing for funds so that Obama…
An Afghan village suffers from drought, so what do the Bearded Savages do? Dig a well or irrigation ditches? Approach an aid agency for…
The promoters and excusers of Islam often use the lie that Islam is tolerant and quote the abrogated Koranic verse that ‘there shall be no…
Although in general I try to ascribe to John Donne’s sentiments that ‘Any man’s death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind’,* and because…
NB. I wrote this article earlier but wrote it in haste and wasn’t happy with it, so I pulled it and re-wrote and extended…
Quisling: Definition quis·ling [kwiz-ling] noun a person who betrays his or her own country by aiding an invading enemy, often serving later in a puppet government; fifth columnist. Origin: 1940; after Vidkun Quisling (1887–1945), pro-Nazi Norwegian leader From Unfortunately there are many people in Britain who behave in a Quisling-like…
It is becoming plain for anybody to see now that wherever Islam sets up shop, there will be Islamic sex criminals. Because Muslims follow an…
Sometimes something happens that despite the threats and despite the fear and despite the rampant collusion by government authorities with Islam, makes me want…