May the Farce not be with us on the 8th of May
If Monday the 4th May is considered by some to be Star Wars Day, then Friday 8th of May could be considered by future historians…
If Monday the 4th May is considered by some to be Star Wars Day, then Friday 8th of May could be considered by future historians…
A while back this blog published an article asking the following question: ‘How big a can of worms is West Midlands Police sitting on?’ The…
As an observer of the horrific and sad process of the Labour Party transmogrifying itself from the workers party to the Islam party, I thought…
Read this Guardian article and be dismayed. It may be easy to dismiss the non-Muslim Lefties who are supporting the Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets…
Anybody who is familiar with the British counterjihad scene will undoubtably have come across the Twitter feed of an activist called ‘The Matriot’. She and…
The Labour candidate for Rotherham and the former MP for the area, Sarah Champion has been seemingly caught out being deceptive about when she first…
Sadly there were no winners for this particular decryption competition so as promised here is the cipher text and the plain text. The ciphertext is…
Yesterday this blog gave the monthly ‘British Neville Award’ for most disgraceful appeaser of Islam to Kat Smith and Carolyn Huxley the chair of governors…
Note: This piece was due to be put together and put up in early April but time pressures made this impossible to do that, so…
Over the last few years this blog has documented some pretty appalling examples of non-Muslims in positions of authority pandering to Islam. We’ve had police…