So it’s so long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen goodbye to Tell Mama. At bloody last!
I do love a bit of good news I do. Some particularly good news arrived recently that the sometimes mendacious Islamic grievance mongers of…
I do love a bit of good news I do. Some particularly good news arrived recently that the sometimes mendacious Islamic grievance mongers of…
When I think of Cleethorpes I and many others would think of a beach destination on the coast of the English county of Lincolnshire…
Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is the ultimate ‘curate’s egg’. It’s good in parts, sometimes only small parts sadly, but truly colossally awful in…
When we pay our taxes we expect this money to be spent on useful or practical stuff or things that enhance the nation. The problem…
I used to go out with a copper’s daughter. Her father was a lovely man who was a paragon of virtue although strict with…
I’ve become increasingly enamoured of the writing of Dan Burmawi an ex-Muslim who converted to Christianity. He tells it like it is about Islam…
Many religions have had times in their history where there has been violence committed by their followers. I don’t think that there is any…
The commentator ‘Northern Variant’ is one that I nearly always find thought provoking even when I don’t agree with him on one or more…
As humans we have the ability to look at situations and change our minds about them. If for example we have been promoting Cause…
….’I kicked the shit out of two jihadis’. Interesting story that has come to my attention. Apparently there’s a Jewish guy in the UK…