There are lies, damned lies and then there are the outrageous porkies that are BBC reports.
Yesterday, I wrote of how the BBC is rapidly losing trust among large sectors of the population including the middle aged and elderly, those…
Yesterday, I wrote of how the BBC is rapidly losing trust among large sectors of the population including the middle aged and elderly, those…
The Youtuber Paz49 has a good reputation for having a dry and irreverent sense of humour. He’s one of the few Youtubers who I…
There was a pretty good comment over at Guido from Yossarian and one that I mostly agree with. I agree that there is now a…
Between 2014 and 2016, this blog published a number of stories critical of West Midlands Police. This criticism was aimed at them because of…
The comedian Frankie Boyle was never wholly to my taste. However I did take the view that he was a necessary boundary pusher and…
Note: This article was originally published over on this blog’s Subscribestar page and was originally for subscribers only when it was published several months ago….
The study of history is not an exact science. We know about the big things like the depravities of Kings such as Henry VIII,…
Oxford Circus tube station was pretty heavily hit by graffiti on Christmas Day, something you will see from the video links posted below. The…
The scandal involving child sexual exploitation in the town of Telford has not gone away. In fact this case is revealing scandal upon scandal…
I’m not going to comment much on the link below from the Conservative Woman on the subject of Boris Johnson except to say that…