From Elsewhere: A half way sensible Tory MP writes
There’s a really good post over at the Comment Central site from Tory MP David Yorath. In his piece he writes about the increasingly…
There’s a really good post over at the Comment Central site from Tory MP David Yorath. In his piece he writes about the increasingly…
I see from a post by Julia over at Orphans of Liberty that the Prime Minister has cucked to a bunch of whiners who…
I’m increasingly utterly astounded by the way that this government is shredding the civil liberties of Britons over the Coronavirus. Despite covid deaths going…
Britain’s Labour Party, has almost completely morphed into Britain’s de facto Islam Party in all but name. Some more evidence to support my assertion…
The NHS is in my view possibly one of the worst ways of giving the citizens or subjects of a nation comprehensive healthcare coverage….
Extinction Rebellion have been up to their usual destructive and pointless tricks again and one of their activists has allegedly vandalised the Churchill statue in…
Like many others I find that Boris Johnson and his government has been a supreme disappointment. We voted for this guy and his party…
Various Lefty and Remain-obsessed journalists, media outlets and political types are getting very vexed over new Brexit legislation that they say would breach international…
Over at Breitbart the author James Delingpole is highlighting how Britain’s culture of rampant and debilitating political correctness played a part in the Manchester…
The Conservatives in name only have come up with yet more pointless ‘Coronabollocks’ to punish this already suffering nation with. As from Monday gatherings…