Could someone please help these poor police officers…….
…….They seem to have misplaced their dignity and self respect and are scrabbling around on the floor trying to find it. What you see…
…….They seem to have misplaced their dignity and self respect and are scrabbling around on the floor trying to find it. What you see…
If this article on the BBC based on the report into Labour’s December 2019 massive defeat is to be believed then I can’t see…
There’s been an interesting and worrying story being carried by the BBC about a 14 year old boy who converted to Islam and who…
Yesterday, whilst he Prime Minister Boris Johnson was being driven back to Downing Street after attending Prime Minister’s Question Time, his motorcade consisting of…
Whilst I enthusiastically voted for Boris Johnson both in the December 2019 General Election that confirmed him as Prime Minister and once for Mr…
Appeasement, doing what a bully says you must do, kow towing to a mob or to the loudest most aggressive voice, rarely if ever…
Over the last quarter century, the British people, not just White Britons I need to make clear but all of us no matter what…
The attacks by BLM/Marxists on symbols of British history in their attempt to erase it has not gone down well with ordinary British people….
Recently I wrote an article entitled How To Create Racists the BLM Way, about how the actions of the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement…
I don’t buy the Leftist definition of racism which is that it is all related to power and privilege, that’s not how I’ve seen…