From Elsewhere: Fiyaz Mughal and the taxpayer teat. His parasitism goes beyond Tell Mama.
Many of us were very pleased to hear that the Islamic whining group, Tell Mama, was quite rightly deprived of taxpayer funding. However, as an…
Many of us were very pleased to hear that the Islamic whining group, Tell Mama, was quite rightly deprived of taxpayer funding. However, as an…
In Canada, where there has been a reaction to the massive influx of Bearded Savages and which is having a divisive impact there has been…
Bearded Savage male pesters a woman, woman rejects advances, Savage accuses woman of ‘racism’ then gets a gang of thugs together and attacks the woman….
The Commentator blog has an excellent article by Raymond Ibrahim on the subject of sexual jihad. He tells how things that are forbidden in Islam,…
…..but not if you are member of the Religion of Donkey Sex From the blogger Kafircrusader who has done a sterling job in digging up…
I don’t always do a quote of the day thingy but this one is a good one. It is from a commentator at Harry’s Place,…
I couldn’t resist re posting this one that I saw on Trending Central. It is a fake ‘Kickstarter’ video appealing for funds so that Obama…
I’ve written here about the problems with Islamic incest before, but this article obtained via an Australian blog lays out the full human cost of…
The great Pat Condell has got it right about leftist progressive feminists. They have turned their eyes away from Islamic abuses of women. They are…
This piece from Esmerelda Weatherwax of New English Review shows how appallingly Islamic groups have behaved in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Grants for…