From Elsewhere: We have an elite that denies reality itself
There’s a fabulous piece by Brendan O’Neill over at the Spiked site. It concerns the recent case of the transgender ‘mother’ featured in a…
There’s a fabulous piece by Brendan O’Neill over at the Spiked site. It concerns the recent case of the transgender ‘mother’ featured in a…
I’ve used the Spartacus Educational website for research for a long while. It is a site that does, at least from my perspective, lean…
If there’s one thing that we have come to rely on when it comes to the Conservative Party is that they will betray both their…
One of the ex-Muslims that I’ve come to admire over the years is Sarah Haider. Ms Haider is one of the founders of the…
If you are at all familiar with the British political scene and in particular that part of it that is critical of the ideology…
I don’t always or slavishly agree with the feminist commentator Julie Bindel. She has her view of the world and I have mine and…
Many people, myself included, who are fed up with the BBC’s bias and the Corporation’s willingness to push unchallenged certain political, cultural and social…
I used to read the Guardian. I used to like reading the Guardian. For me it used to be the go to newspaper for…
Britain has a charity problem. No, that problem is not that Britons give too little to charity, tzdakah or zakat or whatever you wish…
The French have a history of taking to the streets in large numbers and engaging in all sorts of protest related activity when they…