So it’s so long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen goodbye to Tell Mama. At bloody last!
I do love a bit of good news I do. Some particularly good news arrived recently that the sometimes mendacious Islamic grievance mongers of…
I do love a bit of good news I do. Some particularly good news arrived recently that the sometimes mendacious Islamic grievance mongers of…
Ah he’s done it again. The bloviating socialist fatberg that is Labour MP Richard Burgon the member for Leeds East and ‘Palestine’ has decided…
Phobia – Primary definition: : an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation. Merriam-Webster dictionary. The…
Back in March of this year, following the New Zealand mosque attack in which a large number of people died, Britain’s Islamophobia industry shoved…
Various Islamic grievance mongers, the Left and those who engage in liberal virtue-signalling have been having a field day recently attacking Boris Johnson, the…
I’m pleased to be able to put before you all a guest post from Jacob on the subject of Islamic reformist Maajid Nawaz and…
People and groups that are in receipt of money from the taxpayer have a duty to spend that money effectively and wisely. Those who…
For a short while the mainstream media, most notably the BBC and SKY, made a great noise about an incident that is alleged to…
There’s a new version of the ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ letter doing the rounds. Like the first one it is the subject of hand-wringing…
I quite like the idea of there being Muslims who are against Jew-hatred, just as much as I like the idea of Muslims…