From Elsewhere: A Jew in the belly of the beast.
There cannot be any worse a publication to work at if you are a Jew than the Guardian / Observer group. Unfortunately the author of…
There cannot be any worse a publication to work at if you are a Jew than the Guardian / Observer group. Unfortunately the author of…
I want to draw this blog’s readers attention to a man who has said what needed to be said to the thousands of anti Israel…
The BBC’s reporting, which has been seen to be obviously biased towards Hamas and against Israel, is an utter and complete disgrace. They have accepted…
Seen this going around social media. Sadly it is correct. The only way that Israel can deal with the problem of Hamas is to go…
Recent weeks have seen large parts of the Muslim world, and those who fellate Islam from the political Left, showing the public just how…
The stories that are emerging following the invasion of Israel by the Islamic savages of Hamas continue to get worse and worse. This from the…
Most of the commentary that I’ve seen coming out of Israel regarding the government’s plan to reform Israel’s higher judiciary to give the Knesset,…
It is in my opinion correct and proper to admit that certain types of Islam are a problem for the West, especially as these…
Recently the Home Secretary Pritti Patel took a decision that a lot of people said should have been taken long ago and that was…
There are lots of people with opinions on the situation in the Middle East but very few of those who have expressed these opinions…