So it’s so long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen goodbye to Tell Mama. At bloody last!
I do love a bit of good news I do. Some particularly good news arrived recently that the sometimes mendacious Islamic grievance mongers of…
I do love a bit of good news I do. Some particularly good news arrived recently that the sometimes mendacious Islamic grievance mongers of…
NOTE: This should be seen and read as a companion piece to the previous one about how the activities of the Tell Mama group…
Regular readers of this blog will be aware of how I have engaged at times in a lot of what I believe is justified…
Charlie Peters is fast becoming one of Britain’s better investigative journalists. He has been instrumental in exposing the recent various Labour Party shenanigans over…
How incredibly arrogant must a group be to want to control the language or even the words that those that disagree with them use….
There’s an interesting little spat developing between Fiyaz Mughal of Faith Matters and the founder of the Tell Mama group and the current management…
The advent of ‘hate speech’ laws has had the effect of decimating the British culture of freedom of speech. This free speech culture took…
For both moral and ethical reasons I despise the whole concept of ‘hate crimes’. These moral and ethical reasons have their root in the…
I was absolutely delighted to see that the YouTuber Sargon of Akkad has taken aim at the odious and lavishy taxpayer funded Islamic grievance…
The writer Hugh Fitzgerald has put out a brilliant two part article on the recent attempt by the ‘Islamophobia’ charlatans of the Tell Mama…